top of the suspect list

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sherri's body is wrapped in a blue woven blanket as she sat in-between tara and mindy on the ambulance car. she looked exhausted witnessing danny being pulled away from samantha for a few interview questions with one of the investigators at the crime scene. the brunette knew more details about what happened inside of the apartment when she was downstairs waiting for tara and chad to call the police.

anika was gutted vertically in the stomach before there was a chase around the apartment. Eventually, they've ended up in quinn's bedroom where danny gave them a ladder to climb through to his apartment. Samantha and mindy made it across, anika did not and ethan tilted the ladder so anika fell. the girl's face looked beaten when sherri saw her minutes after her fiance in the ghostface mask left the apartment, this is due to a garbage can breaking her fall.

the brunette looked over at the crowd behind the crime scene tape. as ethan stepped under the tape to approach the group in the ambulance, sherri felt her heart calm down from its rapid beating. she wanted to run into his arms, just to let him know that she wasn't mad at him, but she had to hold herself back in-front of everyone.

"chad?" ethan said as he looked around, dumbfounded. sherri looked at chad to quickly approach the economics major, who he slammed onto a car behind them.

"where were you"

"what when?"

"last night!" chad yelled.

"I had econ. you know this!" ethan protested to chad's suspicions.

"bullshit, man! you disappear and my sister almost gets killed." chad yells in anger and suspicion.

"dude, I was in a study hall with a hundred other people. you can ask any of them." ethan raises his hands as chad slowly calms down. sherri took a deep breath as she felt impressed by ethan's lie. In a campus full of thousands, ethan's alibi couldn't be proven or denied.

the west girl might have laughed at ethan's acting as he looked to his left, seeing the body bag covering anika's body in the alleyway, but she couldn't. she knew ethan was responsible for her death, but he had to put on a persona to not get suspected of his crime.

"who?" ethan asked. he looked at the body bag in shock.

"anika and quinn." chad responded quickly. sherri looked at the football player before looking towards mindy, who had guilt spreaded on her face. the comic nerd forgot about quinn's fake death, knowing that she is at detective bailey's house in hiding before their next upcoming plan.

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 29 ⏰

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freeman's terror ; ethan landry Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora