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Prompt: Acorn

The once-lord Peridan sat at a desk in the antechamber of his bedroom, sifting through papers. His daughter was on the other side of the room, rummaging through an old trunk filled with her parents' memories.

"Papa?" She asked.

"Yes, love?" Peridan didn't look up from his work.

"What's this?"

He looked over his shoulder and smiled. "Well, I can't very well answer that question if you don't bring it here."

The fire-headed seven-year-old scrambled over to her father with her newfound treasure. Peridan opened his hand, and she laid it in his palm. His amused smile fell as he fingered the small acorn, ghosts of years passed flickering across his face.

"It's an acorn," he said.

Eadhild put her hands on her hips, tipping her head to remind her father she was a very grown-up girl indeed. "Well, I know that. But why's it on a string?"

"It's a necklace," he said, pulling the loop apart so she could see the two sides. "It was given to me by a queen."

Her eyes lit up. "A queen?" she asked.

He nodded. "Yes. A very great one."

"What was her name?"

"Eadhild, dear—" The father and daughter turned to see their queen-mama walk in, holding the baby on her hip. "I'm sure Papa has a lot of work to do today. Could you please go ask Cook to make him something to eat?"

Eadhild bobbed her head, bouncing to her feet. "I got it!" She raced out the door.

The Queen sat the baby on the floor with some toys and then turned her attention to her husband. Her pale gaze saw straight through his heart. She sat on his lap, cupping his face in her hand. He leaned into her caress, turning his head ever so slightly to kiss the hand that comforted him.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

He nodded. "Just got a little lost in the vision."

She kissed his forehead, and he closed his eyes, letting the warmth of her soft lips wash over him. He looked up into her eyes.

"What did I possibly do to deserve you?"

She smirked softly. "You didn't."

He laughed.


Autumn, 1014, Cair Paravel

"Mr. Tumnus!" Lucy cried, racing across the courtyard. She flung herself into the little faun's arms, pulling back to kiss his cheek. "You've been away ever so long!"

The faun laughed. "If this is the sort of greeting I'll receive after long distances, perhaps I should travel more."

Lucy pouted. "Don't you dare—"

"Well, you've another visitor." Mr. Tumnus stepped to the side and up hopped Snowshoes the Rabbit. Lucy squealed in delight and dropped to her knees, kissing the furry head.

"Oh, you mustn't stay so long away from me, friends," she said. "I've missed you too much!"

"Hey," Peridan said, approaching from behind, "why don't I ever get greeted with a kiss?"

Lucy stood up and brushed off her skirts, smiling coquettishly at the lord. "Here, have a kiss." She dropped an acorn into his hand.

"An acorn?" He raised an eyebrow, fighting to keep back the smile pulling at his lips.

Lucy nodded. "A kiss." She thought for a moment, wrinkling her brow. "There was a story from my world about it. I don't quite remember...but the girl asked for a kiss, and the boy gave her an acorn."

"Seems like a poor replacement to me."

The Queen shook her head. "Oh no, not at all. It was supposed to be sweet, I know. I do wish I could remember the rest of the story, though."

"Well regardless, I shall treasure the royal kiss always, milady." He gave a swooping bow, then grabbed her hand, pressing his lips to the ring on her finger.

Lucy giggled.


Peridan looked at the acorn in his hand. "It was the autumn before they disappeared. I wore it under my shirt for years."

The Queen studied her lord's face, drawn with years of hardship. How had he come out the other side? She ran her hands through his shoulder-length hair, combing it with her fingers.

"I'm sorry, my love. I wish I could change it all for you."

He raised his gaze to her, looking her deeply in the eye, no duplicity shining in his. "I don't regret anything." He said. "I don't want to go back and change it."


He tucked a wave of her dark brown hair behind her ear. "If I changed things, what are the odds I would have married you? What of our children?" He shook his head. "I won't pretend I haven't lost more than one man can bear alone, but in return, Aslan has given me the world."

The Queen bit her lip.

Eadhild raced back into the room, carrying a plate of fish and chips.

"I got your luncheon, Papa!" She cried, a few chips flying off the plate as she jerked to a stop in front of her father.

Peridan smiled, taking the plate from her and setting it on his desk. "Thank you, Eadie. And I have something for you, love." He pulled the acorn necklace over her head, straightening it at her chest. "Now you can play queen with it."

She looked up, face flushing with excitement. "Really, Papa? I can keep it?"

He nodded. She squeaked and jumped up and down, then threw her arms around his neck.

"You are the best papa ever!"

He chuckled, kissing her cheek, scratching his beard against her soft skin. She stood up, beaming. Peridan stroked a finger down her freckled cheek, flicking her chin.

"Will you tell me more about the queen who gave it to you, Papa?"

"Perhaps I'll tell you some stories at bedtime. You run along and play, I've some work to do."

Eadhild seemed satisfied with that answer, and Peridan watched as the fiery mane departed. Some much like his sisters, he thought. So much like Lucy.

The baby whined and the Queen scooped her up, bouncing her and cooing softly. She swayed, almost dancing, her silken skirts swishing musically as she began to hum a lullaby.

The King gazed lovingly at his Queen and smiled. 

Autumn Nights - A Narnia Oneshot ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now