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The howling wind swept through the towering pines that encircled Hillcrest Academy, its mournful echoes seeping into the grand facade of the school. In the darkness of the wintry night, the campus appeared serene, the pristine snow masking the secrets that lingered beneath the surface.

In the heart of the main building, a flickering light illuminated the deserted hallway, casting elongated shadows that danced across the walls. In room 213, the muffled sound of music and laughter seeped through the closed door, hinting at the revelry within. Among the spirited voices and clinking glasses, a deeper undercurrent of tension simmered, unspoken grudges festering beneath the facade of camaraderie.

Meanwhile, in the secluded corridors, a figure moved stealthily, their steps muffled by the thick carpeting. The soft glow of a cellphone screen cast an eerie blue light on their determined expression. With a quick glance around the silent hallway, they slipped into the shadows, disappearing into the night, leaving behind only a whisper of their presence.

Unbeknownst to the unsuspecting revelers, a sinister prelude had begun, weaving a tangled web of fate that would soon entangle the lives of those within Hillcrest Academy. A prelude to the darkness that would shroud the school, leaving behind a chilling mystery and an insatiable thirst for truth.

----------Word Count----------

Welcome to "Guilty Until Proven Innocent"!

I hope this prologue gets you all excited for what's to come in the future!

Hope you guys are excited to start reading!

Love you all <3


Word Count: 242

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