Police Officer

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Katherine: hey sexy readers~ thanks to our master creepy-mask, we got a new request which is a police officer. Luckily the fat cat is changing in it right now, its a 2 piece outfit~

Bella: umm mistress~ why is there a tail in the costume~?

Katherine: don't question it, now let me see it~

Bella walks out the bathroom in a 2 piece police outfit, with a tail at the back.

Bella: not sure if I like the texture on these pants~

Katherine: stop complaining, it makes me sick~ -grabs her tummy-

Bella: mmm~!

Katherine: I know you love exposing your fat tummy to the readers so might as well show them~ -i show y'all her stomach-

Bella: meww~

Katherine: suck a cute kitty -rip- finally the pants are ripping~ if you fucking dare cum before they rip fully, I'm gonna use the cat butt plug on you~ got it~?

Bella: y-yess ahhh~ mistress -rip-

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