Chapter 1 - Weep for yourself, my man.

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Ghost walked out of his room and headed for the doors of the base, stepping out onto the training field, the cold and dewy air clinging to his mask as he lifted it above his nose as he lit a cigarette. He stood tense, always on guard. In his line of work, he had to be. It didn't matter how safe anything seemed, it could always fall apart when you least expect it. 

He was jolted from his line of thought as the door next to him opened. Out stepped the familiar Scot, his eyes becoming teary due to the temperature change as he approached Ghost. "Aye, L.T. Knew I would find ye here." Soap grinned, looking up at the man now in front of him.

"Sergeant." Ghost croaked out the greeting, finding his voice in his throat. His low and scratchy voice was something he usually used to his advantage, intimidating the recruits or being heard better in meetings. "You need something?" He questioned the man pointlessly, there was no other reason for Johnny to seek him out.

"Not exactly, jus' wanted to step outside for a bit, get some fresh air." Soap shrugged. He was never intimidated by Ghost's voice, which made Ghost's job harder at first. Could never get the man to listen to him, couldn't scare him into doing tasks.

Ghost cocked his eyebrow at the response. "The hell are you even doing up at this hour?" He looked at the Scot, only now realizing it was odd he was awake at 0200.

"Was finishing up some reports for Price when I heard ye walk you here. Why are ye up?" Soap fired back, his eyes glinting up at the man before him.

"Normal hours for me, sergeant. Very few people are up, good time for me to walk around without recruits getting into my business." He frowned under the mask, recalling some former newbies that would question his habits and be generally rude about his mask and past. He subconsciously went to rub his face, burning himself with his still-lit cigarette in his grasp. 

He silently cursed himself. Always getting distracted when Johnny was around, letting down his constant guard. He slowly lifted the cigarette to his mouth, taking a drag before blowing the smoke away from the other man.

"Ye alright, L.T.? That looked like it hurt." The Scot tilted his head slightly at his superior. He watched the smoke drift away before his eyes darted back to the raised mask. Ghost rarely ever lifted it. Soap looked at all the scars across his face and hands, admiring the soft and pale skin's rough markings. God, Ghost was beautiful.

"You 'ought to get some sleep soon, yeah?" Ghost flicked his eyes over to the man, following the way his blue eyes traced his skin. Right, his jawline and nose were exposed. He looked down at the cigarette, gauging how much was left.

"Well, not yet. I'm still talking to ye, aye?" Soap rubbed his eyes as he spoke, clearly tired.

"Johnny, go to sleep. I'm not worth staying up for, plus you have work tomorrow." Ghost didn't mind him being there, but sure as hell wouldn't be the reason he functioned poorly the next day. "Turn those reports in and get to your room."

"You're no funnn..." Soap groaned, walking back to the door. "G'night L.T., see ye at breakfast."

"Night, Johnny."

- - - - -

A/N: Hi! Thanks for reading. More to come eventually, but I am a busy little guy and currently in school. Hope you all have a wonderful day/night! <3

Word Count: ~557 :(

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