
83 4 0

23rd October 2022 - Austin

It finally feels like i have my fairytale ending.

Its the same feeling i had when i was 7 and my dad would read me bedtime stories on princesses and how for the whole book they chased after their prince charming until they had the fairytale ending of happiness and love. Well i finally have that too. I chased after my prince charming, almost gave up on the fairytale, but in the end it seemed to have worked out.

Instead of waking up in the same hotel room and not speaking the whole day, practically living different lives with each other. We now wake up in the same hotel room and live the same life with each other.

"are you excited for the race" i ask him as i finish brushing my teeth and he does the same in the other sink

"yeah, even though this season didn't go the way i hoped, my life did, and i'll do my best to end the season on a good note" he says

"now are you ready to repeat that to every single journalist in the paddock" i say making him chuckle

"i think so" he says placing a kiss the side of my head before leaving the bathroom

we both got ready for the day, charles running through his race notes with me in the car making sure he was prepared for the race

"okay now stop stressing, you're going to be fine charles" i say as he parks the car at the track

"but what if i wont be" he says turning to look at me

"then we can worry about that later, for now just worry about whats most likely to happen, for example you getting out the car and walking to the paddock" i say and he smiles before getting out the car and coming around to open my door

"oh shit, i forgot my pass" he says as we get to the paddock gates

"Can't you just walk in you muppet" i say

"i might get in trouble" he says

"Excuse me sir" i say to a security guard and charles turns red

"yes how can i help ma'am" he says

"my husband forgot his pass, im sure it wont be a problem letting him through, you wouldnt want him to miss the race" i say to the security guard

"oh yes of course, go right through mr Leclerc no worries" the man says opening the gate for him

"what would i do without you and your confidence" charles says and i laugh lightly as he holds my hand as we walk through the paddock

That's when i saw him, standing in the distance with a woman. He saw me too, it was almost like seeing a ghost. he slowly starts walking towards me and i stop walking making charles confused.

"whats wrong mon Coeur" he says

"giulia is that you" archie says

"yeah it is, i haven't seen you since"

"since you left shool" he cuts me off

"yeah" i say a smile forming and a sigh releasing from my chest

"oh sorry, this is charles, my husband" i say and he shakes Charles' hand

"i didnt know you were married, to an f1 driver too" he says

"well a lot happens in 7 years" i say

"this is emily, my fiancé" he says

"its nice to meet you emily" i say to the woman

"its nice to meet you too, though it feels like i know you since you are the face of the perfume i wear everyday" she says making me laugh

"so what are you doing at a race" i say to archie furrowing my eyebrows

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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