Year 1. Chapter 1. Strange gossip

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Hello! My name is Y/N Y/L, I am a girl who lives in Little Whinging, Surrey. I just turned 11, my birthday was July 20th.

I live in a big house with a big family- Mom Amanda Y/L, Dad Matthew Y/L, 2 brothers: Jake (15 years) and Daniel (13 years)and and a little sister Miranda (10 years).

We live in a house number 3, Privet drive.

In our village there are not as much kids, but i am not sad about it- i always played with my siblings.

What did i forgot to say- i go the Primary School by the name of St. Gregory's. But now i have to go in the middle School, and my parents signed me to a Public Middle School.

My life is VERY common and boring- when not in school, the most interesting thing is to play with your siblings, watch TV and listen to some gossip. My mom has a friend that comes every Friday, a woman called Brittany Robertson, and they love to gossip. My mom is not a gossip, but she loves to talk about some weird things.

Those gossips are sometimes boring, like about how a famous model had a break up with her boyfriend, and sometimes interesting.

Now it is Friday 1st August , and i lay on the sofa, waiting for mom's friend to come. Maybe today i will hear something interesting.

I hear s knock on the door- mom opens and her friend enters. My mom makes tea, and they sit and start to talk.

"Hello Brittany, how are you? anything new?" says mom.

"Yes, Amanda! Many interesting things happened, and you will not believe where!" exited voice of mum 's friend.


"On your street, the house number 4!"

"The house of.. Petunia and Vernon Dursley?" mom's voice seems surprised.

The Dursley's are our Neighbours, they have a boy named Dudley, my classmate, he is a bully and VERY fat, and a strange boy whose name i don't remember, he is also my class mate, everybody says he is weird. But apart that, they are the very "perfect"

So I do not understand why something happened to them.

"I know right! So let me tell you all. I was going to a shop 2 days ago, i was passing by your street. And what do i see! I see them all getting in car, with all the things and going somewhere is quick. Letting their house without no one! And today, come to you and i see them arriving back. But the strangest thing- they have gone with that black-haired boy, you remember him, the orphan, in your daughters class! And today, they came without him! I think they have sent him in the orphanage, don't you?"

"That is very strange! Maybe, but let's not make conclusions that quick."

I sit on the sofa, trying to hear every detail i can.

"Yes, you are right, Amanda. That boy.. what his name again.. ah yes, Harry Potter, his is Vernon's and Petunias nephew. Everybody says he is crazy.."

Um, i will not say he is crazy... he is just acting weird.

Suddenly, i hear my sister calling "Y/N! COME HERE"

I sigh, i stand i up and go up to help her.


Today, during eating dinner, my mom retells this story to my dad.

"Yes, it is strange.. The Dursleys are really acting strange sometimes.." says dad.

My oldest brother, Jake says:

"About that boy, the orphan, me and boys were hanging near the train station-"

"Why?" asks mom, surprised.

"Just hanging, mom. And, we have seen him go out the train and head to his house"


"You didn't tease him tho, didn't you, Jake? He may be strange, but let's rember, he had lost his parents.."

"We didn't, mom"

"Good. And don't you dare" says dad.

That is so strange.. where he was been for that time?

"Kids, tomorrow there is a nice weather, so i don't want you to stay home all the time! Especially the girls- i do not want you to stay home all the day. Miranda stays in her room all the day and Y/n watching TV for hours. Take an example from boys- Jake is hanging with his friends all the day and Dany is playing football!"

Yeah yeah, like if i didn't know Jake was hanging with his friend to try to smoke and Dany was playing video games and his friend's house.

But, sure, i will hang out.

"Okay, mom." say and Mira.

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