Year 1. Chapter 4.

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Next day, i woke up thinking about my meetup with that strange boy. What does he hide?

I eat breakfast alone, as my mom has gone to a take Mira home from her friend's house, dad still sleep and siblings are agian i don't know where.

Then, i watched some tv, until dad woke up.

"Y/N, don't you remember what mum said? Go play outside, maybe with the girl you met.."

"I can't, she is gone for a week at her grandmother's.."

"So go play alone."


I go out in the garden. I look at the watch at my wirst; it is too early forr our meet up with Harry.

But, he is already in his garden.

I'll talk to him, anyways i have nothing else to do- and maybe i will figure out what happened 3 days ago, about what my mom's friend was gossiping.


He was scared by my sudden talk, he looked up.

"Oh, hello."

"It's 11 am, and you're already working?" i said.

"Yeah. it's not like i have a choice." he turns to work again.

Oh no, did i sound rude?!

That's why i don't have friends, i am sometimes very rude without even noticing it!

Oh why, why i am like this!

I will try to change the negative lines of the conversation, if i still can...

"Harry, i am so sorry if i seemed rude, i didn't meant to... I don't have many friends, so i don't know how to talk to people.." i am in desperation. I wanted so bad to be his friend, even if my mom would not like it..

He turns at me, and suddenly smiles.

"Don't worry, i'm not mad at you."

I let out a sign. Thank god!

"I am sorry anyways, Harry"

He smiles.

"They are crazy for making you work that hard" i said, looking at the direction of the house.

"I guess."

"Yes! They treat you like a cleaner!" I said in a angry tone, wanting to show my empathy.

He smiles at my anger.

"Do you want.. to go out sometime?" I said nervously.

"I don't think my aunt and uncle will let me go, but thank you for the offer." he smiled sadly.

"How about.. right now?" I say, as i get an idea.

"what do you mean?"

"Let's run away! So they don't notice!" I smile dodge-fully.

"I don't think that is a good idea.."

"Let's do it!" i laugh. "Meet you near a playground"


I am already running there.

"I am going to play outside dad!" i screamed as i was running to the exit.

"Okay! Be careful!" he screamed back.

I run to the playground that is not very far away. I sit at the swings and wait for Harry.

Here he is! He arrives, sees me, smiles and sits net to me at the swings.

"No one saw you?" i ask.


We swing for a little, not saying a word.

"It is my first outing with someone except my family, you know." I said.

"Same." he smiled. "But don't you have some friends?"

"No, i prefer hanging out with my siblings."

"Oh.. you have siblings?"

"Yes, 2 brothers and my sister Mira. As we grew up, i don't see the boys too much, so i play with my sister"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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