Chapter 22: A tale of Karma

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The following morning Annabelle was sipping her coffee over the morning newspaper when Winston brought in another letter.
She recognized the precise but elegant script easily and tore open the envelope to find another letter from William, confirming he would be delighted to join her but also pointed out that for  discussing delicate matters it may be more advisable to speak over a private luncheon rather than at a public restaurant.
Annabelle smiled over his thoughtfulness.
After finishing breakfast she went up to her study to pen a letter back, informing William that she would be delighted to receive him over for lunch the following day.
After finishing the message she put down her pen and considered for a moment. Then, deciding it was still early in their relationship, folded up the paper and tucked it away into an envelope, sealing it without any further additions.
She carried the letter downstairs.
"Yes, Madam?" the butler replied, stepping out of the dining room.
"Will you please have this letter delivered to Mr. Gaunt as soon as possible?"
"Certainly, Madam, I will pass it on to Robert to deliver right away."
"Excellent. And please can you send Mrs. Mordeaunt up to see me when she has a moment? I would like to discuss lunch options for tomorrow with her."
He raised his eyebrows only a fraction.
"Are we expecting a special guest, Madam?"
"Well..." a pink hue appeared on her cheeks "Mr. Gaunt will be joining me for lunch and to discuss some of the more recent bits of information that have reached me."
"Very well, Madam, I will let Mrs. Mordeaunt know you wish to speak with her and send this letter on its merry way" he said with a bow.
"Thank you Winston" she smiled and returned to her uncle's study for more strategical tidying.

There was a knock at the door at 11:50 am the following day.
A smile curled Annabelle's full lips as she made her way downstairs from the reading room and arrived just in time to see William take off his hat and hand it to Winston, who was already holding his coat, to store away.
When William looked up at her descending the stairs his expression turned to one of admiration and marvel.
Annabelle was wearing a fashionably cut day gown in a rich , dark aubergine colour, accentuated with details in a delicate shade of lilac, with a matching lilac shirtwaist richly decorated with lace and a collar reaching halfway up her neck.
"My dear Annabelle" William said, reaching for her hand and bending over to press a gentle kiss to it "you seem to look more lovely every time I see you."
"You flatter me, William" she said with warm cheeks "but here, I see you are no longer encumbered by your crutches!"
"Indeed! Dr. Coombs was pleased with my progress and confirmed I would no longer require the assistance of the crutches. Though he did caution against too vigorous activity for another three weeks at least."
"Well, we shall refrain from attending any balls until then. But I must say, you do cut a rather dashing figure yourself in this suit" she said admiringly and it was his turn to go a little red in the ears.
"You are too kind."
She smiled at him.
"Would you care to join me in the drawing room for a little appetizer and a drink?"
"That sounds wonderful. May I?" he asked as he offered her his arm.
She hooked her hand under his forearm with a coy smile and they headed for the drawing room.

When they each had a small glass of dry sherry in hand they took a seat either side of a coffee table that had been set with several small dishes of tasty little morsels like olives, nuts, and small savory baked goods.
"This is an interesting concept" William said as he speared an olive with a small fork and popped it in his mouth.
"Isn't it just?" Annabelle agreed "Mrs. Mordeaunt was delighted when I spoke to her about the lunchtime arrangements for today. Apparently she has had this idea for quite a while and was hoping to introduce it at one of my uncle's dinner events. She tells me her brother, who travels a lot for his work, picked up this idea in the south of France and gifted her a book on the Mediterranean practice of 'Apéritif'" she explained and speared an olive of her own.
"Quite remarkable. I had not pegged her to be so interested in exploring other culinary spheres."
Annabelle sipped at her sherry.
"She is rather reserved in most areas, but food and anything culinary is her passion" she said.

They spent another half hour in the drawing room, chatting about their own experiences with food, their likes and dislikes, the weather, the museum and then wound their way to Annabelle's run in with Mrs. van Houten and the subsequent conversation with Winston and Robert.
William shifted in his chair, a worried crease appearing between his brows.
"Annabelle, it is very good of you to be so accommodating to them" he said earnestly.
She picked up on his unease.
"Something on your mind?"
"Well..." he sighed "if you recall I mentioned to you that my parents disinherited me for pursuing a career in science rather than theology" he said" They did the same to one of my brothers for... different reasons."
He looked down at his hands.
Annabelle gave him space to collect his thoughts.
"My brother, Oliver... A few years ago he was discovered and the matter was brought to our parents' attention. They immediately kicked him out of the house with nothing but the clothes on his back... I suppose one must be grateful for even that much, given the general attitude towards such... dispositions" he mused "Anyway, Oliver has not been able to find any permanent or well paid employment since. I help him however I can, but I often don't hear from him for months..."he looked up at her.
"William, that is awful" she said emphatically "Will you let me know when he contacts you again? I would like to help, if I can."
"That is very generous of you, Annabelle, I will contact you as soon as I hear word of him."
Winston entered the drawing room with a soft knock.
"Madam, Sir, your luncheon has been prepared."
Annabelle turned to William.
"Shall we?"
"I believe we shall."
And they moved over to the dining room where Mrs. Mordeaunt had outdone herself with an impressive array of different dishes, all meant to be shared and combined in different and exciting ways, and for the duration of the meal the conversation revolved wholly around food.

When they had finished their meal they retired to the old study and Annabelle brought William up to speed on the latest developments, the safety deposit box, the secret room on the attic, and Mr. Wright's surprising visit the day before.
"Human sacrifice?! Is he absolutely certain?"
"I have to admit, I am dubious about his honesty, but if he was indeed lying about it he is the most accomplished liar I have ever come across" she mused "He seemed genuinely distressed, even somewhat panicked by the realization that his work may have had a roundabout hand in the young woman's fate."
William rubbed his chin.
"And you really want to involve him more closely again?"
"More closely than he has been these past few weeks... I believe he might have at least a little information to contribute" she had tilted her head and frowned at the book she was tapping her fingers on.
"I trust your judgement" he confirmed. Annabelle smiled at him and received a soft gaze and adoring smile in return.
"However " he continued "I have managed some more research of my own while I was at the museum, and I believe I have happened upon the myth that got your uncle involved in the search for the seals in the first place."
"Oh really, that's..."
There was a resounding knock on the front door that reverberated through the entire house.
Annabelle immediately felt her spine go rigid, a sinking feeling in her gut.
William stared at her, puzzled.
"Are you expecting any more guests?"
She shook her head and got up to check on the new arrival, closely followed by William.

From the top of the stairs she saw Winston answer the door.
"Mr. Wright?"
"My apologies, Winston, for calling unannounced again, but I feel Miss McAllister will be interested in this latest development..."
"She is currently entertaining a guest. I will see if the is willing to interrupt her engagement."
Atop the stairs Annabelle turned to William.
"Shall we hear what he has to say?" she whispered.
"I am as curious as you, my dear, let's see what this is about."
Winston had brought Wright to the drawing room and was now climbing the stairs on his way to the study.
"Ah, Madam, I..." Annabelle nodded.
"We overheard" she said with a wink "I will hear what Mr. Wright has to say and William has agreed to accompany me."
"Very well, Madam. Will you require refreshments?"
She thought for a moment.
"Let me see what state our visitor is in first" she decided.

They descended the stairs, Winston leading the way, and entered the drawing room, where the butler stood aside by the door.
"Mr. Wright, another unexpected surprise" she said by way of greeting as she entered.
"You remember Mr. Gaunt" the two men exchanged a brief bow.
"Miss McAllister, once again I can only apologize for calling on you unannounced and uninvited" Wright looked, if possible, even paler and more care-worn than he had at their last encounter.
"Well, you are fortunate to still find me here at this time. Winston, will you please arrange for some refreshments to be brought to us?"
"Certainly, Madam" he said with a bow and disappeared.
Wright had returned to perch on the chaise he had occupied on his last visit, and Annabelle and William took a seat in matching chairs facing Wright.
"Now, Mr. Wright, do tell what brings you here today."
He seemed world weary and bone tired, the shadows under his blood shot eyes now almost like deep bruises, a decisive stubble covering his usually clean shaven face.
"Again, apologies to prevail on you" he started, rubbing at his face with his left hand "I have run into a spot of difficulty..." he paused, a deeply troubled look on his face "I... I fear an attempt has been made on my life." 
Annabelle's eyebrows flew upwards and she exchanged a brief, surprised look with William.
"After I returned to my quarters from visiting you the day before yesterday all seemed well, but as I prepared myself for the night I discovered that a vial, that I can only presume is filled with poison, fitted with a needle mechanism was placed in my bed. When I went to check on Mrs. Halper..." he fumbled with his hands, now visibly struggling "she... she er... she had already retired and..." he put his face in his hands and was silent, shaking occasionally.
Winston brought in a tray with tea and biscuits.
"Thank you, Winston, perhaps something a little stronger..." Annabelle said softly with a nod in Wright's direction.
She exchanged a look with William. He appeared somewhat paler than he had before, but looked concerned more than anything.
After another moment Wright had composed himself far enough and straightened up.
"She er..." he cleared his throat, eyes over-bright "she was unresponsive when I entered her quarters and the physician I called only confirmed that she had passed..." his voice broke on the last syllable.
Annabelle and William both expressed their sympathies.
"She seemed like a stern but kind woman" Annabelle said in a comforting tone.
Winston entered again and placed a cut crystal tumbler with an amber coloured liquid on the coffee table closest to Wright, who wordlessly reached for the drink.
Annabelle exchanged a brief look and a nod with Winston and he disappeared again.
"I just wanted to inform you" Wright started after swallowing a mouthful of the spirit "that my lodgings have changed since. I have moved all my essential equipment and the most important documents with me to rooms at 44 Bolsover Street" he announced and took another gulp.
"Thank you for notifying me, Mr. Wright" Annabelle felt rather concerned for the private investigator.
"No matter, Miss McAllister. I have to atone for my sins and the part I have played in setting all this in motion... may be I have already started to repay this debt..." he said as he stared into the bottom of the almost empty glass.

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