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Billie's pov: 

Once we got to Finns house Elle sat down while me and Finn answered questions our team wanted us to think about 

"Um , and last thing is , do we want to tour soon" Finn said looking at me in my eyes 

I looked down at my rings then at Finn then finally Elle as they both were waiting for my answer 

"Uh, I don't know yet " I replied 

"ok, well we don't have to talk about a tour for another 3 months so you have time" Finn said 

"ok , so that's it?" I asked 

"Yep, and I'll see you soon , Love you guys " Finn said 

"love you too" I said grabbing Elle's hand 

We got back in my car and went back to my house 

"why did you not wanna talk about tour" Elle asked 

"because tour is a lot and that means not spending time with you , and I'm just getting to know you, I wanna see where this goes" I said 

"mmm ur cute" Elle said 

"don't say that , ur gonna make me act uppp" I joked

"What if I want you to" Elle said 

damn this girl is powerful, I'm tryna make this girl mine, nil I would fuck her on this couch "don't do that now" I said pulling Elle closer by the waist 

"you say for me not to do things then you pull me in by my waist " Elle said moving her lips closer to mine 

"if you want to kiss me then do it"replied dragging my hand down her jaw line 

"I'm gonna make you kiss me" Elle pulled away 

Ugh this women is so fine , I wanna kiss her so badly "Nah , I've made the first move each time , it's your turn " I whispered in Elle's ear 

"we'll see who folds first " Elle whispered back 

Elle's pov: 

Billie is so fine , it feels like I'm obsessed all over again 

"What you thinking about " billie smirked 

Omg omg , her eyes when she smirks ugh, I'm  such a fan girl 

"nothing " I stared into Billies eyes 

"don't look at me like that , you got make me fold " Billie elevator eyed me 

"that's the whole point isn't it" I looked at Billies lips 

" mm ok " Billie got closer 

even though I wanted to so bad I put my finger in the way of my lips 

"why did you do that " Billie asked 

"I want the moment to be special, I don't wanna rush" I replied 

"ok babygirl , anything you want" Billie stared into my eyes 

" yk what fuck it ur hot as fuck" I kissed Billie 

oh my fuck , her lips feel soft as hell 

A/N: should I write detailed smut or just smut ( comment what you'd like to see)  

Forever Obsessed -(Billie fan fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें