Chapter 3: Game On

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(It's battle time and Alex is about to land a final blow to Rob with his sword.)

Adrian : Show him who's boss Alex!

Alex : Here I come loser!

(As Alex is about to land the final blow another mage, Ryan appears and blocks the attack with his own sword.)

Alex : Tha fuck.

Adrian : Motherfu.....

Then another mage, Jake also appears and is about to cut Alex with his sword but Adrian appears and blocks with his sword.

Ryan : Hehe.

Jake :Almost.

Adrian : You cowards.

(They all fall back and stand ground.)

Alex : Who the fuck are you two?!

Ryan : We apologize for the surprise attack.

Jake : We just wanted to see how well can The Black And White Twins stand up to an attack like that.

Ryan : And you exceeded our expectations well done.

Adrian : Answer the damn question assholes.

Jake : You little bastard.

Ryan : I am Ryan a speed type.

Jake : And I am Jake also a speed type.

Adrian : I am....

Ryan : Adrian a sensery type and he is Alex a speed type.

Jake : Can we have a quick match?

Adrian : Why?

Jake : We just to see your power. So, can we?

Adrian : Sure why not.

Jake : OH YEAH!

Alex : Ready to lose.

Ryan : I better warn we are also strong maybe stronger than you.

Adrian : Is this guy on drugs?

Alex : Seems like it so let's take them back to earth.

Adrian : Yeah with the best way of communication.

Alex : Yeah with our fists it's the best.

Adrian : Totally.

(Alex places a teleportation mark on Adrian.)

Jake : Ryan it's the....

Ryan : I know, it's the same mark we use.

Jake : Clever little bastards.

Within a split second an epic speed battle occurs. Adrian uses his sensery abilities to guide Alex, and Alex uses his speed to help Adrian land blows.

Ryan : They seem to be using sensery as an advantage to land strong attacks.

Jake : But Adrian is in level nine at using his sensery so he leaves openings.

Ryan : Yeah and we are level seven at speed while Alex is level eight so we got this in the bag.

(Ryan generates energy on his hands the blasts it at Adrian but as it's about to hit Adrian, Alex appears then they use their powers to stop it. Ryan claps.)

Ryan : Bravo, bravo indeed but I can see you're not using your full power, show me more.

Adrian : Oh you asked for it!

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