Part 2

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After three hours of school, Jackie had forgotten about Isaiah. She had pondered on it for a while after getting off the bus, but then focused her attention to her school work. That was until calculus, her class right before lunch.

Sliding into her seat, Eden leans over and whispers to Jackie, "Dude, what did you do to Isaiah?" Jackie shuffled through her bag until she looks up, realizing what Eden said. "Huh?"

"He's been staring at you since you came in. He looks like he wants to go for your blood or something." She leans back to let Jackie get a good look. And sure enough, there sat Isaiah, with a menacing look and a powerful, stone cold eyes. Isaiah's eyes connect with Jackie's and she can almost feel the hatred radiating off of him. Memories of this morning flood her mind. "Shit," she curses. "Fucking forgot about that."

"Forgot what? What's going on?" Eden looks between the two, trying to decipher the odd connection between her friend and Isaiah. Jackie sighs then quickly reveals the morning conversation that took place. Eden sat quietly, mulling over what she was just told.

"The fuck, man." Eden breathes. "Hold on. Back up. You're telling me that Isaiah has a fucking gun."

Jackie nods.

"And he wants to kill you with it."

Another nod.

"Because you're a slut...?"

"That's debatable." Jackie offers with a small smile, trying to defuse the tension.

"Okay, idiot. If you don't report this, I will. That fucker could do something dangerous and you know it and you're just sitting here like its a fucking joke!" Eden leans in closer. Turning the conversation more confidential and serious.

"Calm down. I don't even know if what I heard was correct." "Dammit, I'm not stupid. I know, as well as you, that you can hear a goddamn pen drop 20 feet away in the middle of a fucking rave." Eden whispers angrily.

"Dude, whatever. Who knows if he'd actually do that or not. I mean, maybe he just wants to scare me with it or something. It isn't a big deal. Just drop it, okay?" Jackie turns away from Eden, pretending to be busy. Eden sighs before scooting away.

Jackie may have calmed Eden's nerves for the time being, but she knew what would happen. Isaiah was serious about killing her, plain as day. She knew it without having to question it. And either way, it was going to happen. She knew she couldn't change her fate. And that's what it was. Her fate. It was inevitable. Before getting lost in thought, she feels a poke at her side. Eden. Without meeting her eyes, deaden leans over and whispers, "Did you dream this as well?" Jackie once again nods and Eden sighs, giving Jackie's shoulder a squeeze before whispering, "I'm sorry."

It had been in her dreams many times before.

*Sensing someone was behind her, then turning to face the barrel of a desert eagle. She closes her eyes and hears a man (Isaiah) faintly yelling. She hears someone whispering. "I'm sorry." Then there's a click and, shortly after, a bang.*

Jackie would always wake up, sweaty and breathing heavily. She knew this dream was different. Instead of just being partially correct, it would happen exactly as she saw it. She knew she couldn't change it. Every action took, led to that particular dream coming true. It wouldn't be like when she was 10 and dreamt about her puppy's death for two weeks and tried to save the poor creature. Her actions ended up building up to his death. Same with the dream about her uncle breaking his leg. She had pushed him out of the way of a speeding car, only for him to trip over the curb and twist his leg at just the right angle for the bone to crack in half. Just like in her dream.
Fate was something no one could change. And Jackie never accepted that until now.

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