Part 3

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Time passed slowly and un distracting to her thoughts. The bell rings and everyone jumps up, rushing to the door, eager to go to lunch. Everyone except Jackie.

She slowly rises, collecting her things, then heads for the door. Hearing footsteps behind her, she slows down and takes a deep breath.

"Isaiah..." She starts, but stops abruptly to the feeling of cold metal to the back of her neck.
"Don't you even fucking start." He growls. She leans over slowly and drops her things on a nearby table.

"I don't want any trouble." She whispers before jeering around and knocking the gun from his grip. He inhales deeply, anger growing on his face, before placing his foot square on his stomach and kicking her into the hallway, onto her back among a crowd of students. Gasps and screeches fill the hallway. Jackie hoists herself to her elbows before flying to her feet as Isaiah emerges from the classroom, breathing heavily and holding the gun with a tight grip. Screams are made everywhere as people begin to scatter until a gunshot stops everyone dead in their tracks as they drop to the floor.

"Nobody move a fucking inch!" Booms Isaiah, arm raised, gun pointed to the ceiling, debris falling around him.

"Don't. This has nothing to do with them." Jackie tried to reason with him. He quickly aims the gun at her. "Shut up! I want everyone to see this. To see YOU."

Mac pushes through the crowd to get to the front. Looking between Jackie and Isaiah, Mac stutters after a moment of silence. "What the fuck are you doing, man?"

Isaiah throws his head back and laughs an insane and demented laugh. "Don't fucking play innocent with me! I know! I know EVERYTHING!" He throws his hands in the air for a dramatic touch before continuing his monologue. "It's fucking obvious that this bitch," he spits, pointing to Jackie, "has been fucking around with my girl. I mean, you fucking told her to, because you knew it would fuck with my head." Low whispers fill the air.

"Isaiah," Jackie takes a step forward, calmly. "You're not making any sense." She glances at his girlfriend, Mae Lynn, standing idly by, face strewn with fear, confusion, and tears. She takes another step forward, but stops when Isaiah repositions his aim on her. "Nothing is going on. Nothing."

He cocks the gun. "I don't believe you." His voice becomes monotone, almost as if he lost himself to his mind.
Jackie's hands are shaking as she looking around at the crowd. Kids crying, shaking. Eden and Mac grip to each other for comfort, scared of Jackie's initial outcome. She closes her eyes and Isaiah starts screaming.
"I know what you did. I know what YOU did!! I KNOW WHAT YOU DID GODDAMMIT."
She knows what comes next. A single tear rolls down her cheek.

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