★ vanished ★

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I called 911 and I'm on the phone telling them what just happened. "Yeah, he's laying on the ground right behi-" I turn around and I freeze as I see he's no longer there.

"Ma'am? Are you still with me?" The lady on the phone asks. "Y-yeah it's just that...he was on the ground and he's not there anymore!" I start looking around. Bill looks as confused and scared as I am right now. The lady tells us the cops are on their way and they're going to check the area.

"Bill I'm not going crazy right? He was here? He was laying on the ground right?" I'm panicking and running my hands through my hair in a stressed way. "You're not crazy Bells. I saw him. He was here. I just don't know how he got away so easily without us seeing him or hearing him." he pulls me in for a hug and comforts me.

Minutes later the cops get here and they ask us some questions. They checked the area but they found nothing. Not even traces of him being there. It's like if he was actually a ghost and not just 'Ghostface'. Every time the cops tell me that they couldn't find anything or something like this happens I feel like I am crazy. The only reason I know it's real every time is because someone else saw him or someone got injured.

We're back home and we told Tom what happened without Gael hearing us. I don't want to make Gael feel even more scared. We came to the twins' house to be safe and this cabron followed us here. He follows me everywhere. I don't know why he follows me or what he wants from me. "Do you guys think he will show up again tonight?" Tom asks, staring at the ceiling as he's sitting on the couch with us. "I don't know...I wasn't seeing him at all for a while and now I see him a lot more than what I used to." I sigh. "What does he even want? Does he want you? Like in a obsessed and romantic way? Or maybe he has something against you?" Bill fidgets with his hands. "So you think it could be someone close to me?" I shoot my head at Bill. "No- well- no- that's not exactly what I said. I mean it could be but he could also be a stalker. A creepy secret admirer. Someone you've never talked to or seen but they have seen you and they observed you from afar. But now it's more than observing you" he explains. "Yeah that makes sense...probably a loser from school" Tom stands up from the couch and closed his eyes, bringing his right hand up to his temples. "Are you okay, Tom?" I ask worriedly as I see him just standing there still holding his temples with his eyes closed. "Yeah, I'm fine I just haven't really been getting enough sleep lately and it makes my head hurt," he opens his eyes and removed his hand from his temples. "I should go to sleep" he begins walking towards his room. We say goodnight and he closes his door. "I'm gonna go find pain killers to give some to Tom" Bill stands up. "Okay I'm gonna get Gael ready for bed" I stand up and walk towards Gael's temporary bedroom.

"Gael it's time to sleep" I open the door and I see him crying. "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask and rush over to him and hug him. "I miss my mom" he hugs me back. "I know you do. I miss my parents too but there's a storm so they can't come back. They will be here as soon as it's safe for them to come back, okay?" I comfort him and he nods. "Now stop crying it's time for bed. I'll read you a bedtime story" I give him his pjs and i grab a small book. He smiles when he sees the bedtime story I chose. 'Little Red Riding Hood' is his favorite so I chose that one.

I'm almost done with the story and he just fell asleep. I see the door open slowly and I smile as I see Bill standing there smiling at me. I slowly and carefully get up and put the small book away to not wake him up. I turn the lights off and walk out and close the door.

"You looked so cute reading that bedtime story for him" Bill wraps his arms around my waist pulling me close and kisses me softly. "For how long we're you there watching us?" I pull away. "Maybe like a minute I don't know...maybe more" he kisses me again but this time he carries me.

He's walking towards his room as we're kissing. He opens the door then closes it and walks towards his bed then gently lays me down with him on top of me. I tilt my head to give him more access as he starts kissing my neck. "Bill we have school tomorrow shouldn't we sleep already?" I wrap my arms around his neck. "I need you" he whispers into my ear and his left hand squeezes my thigh as his other hand rests on my side. "Me too" I whisper back. He kissed me again but this time more eagerly. He pressed himself against me causing me to softly moan. His hand that was resting on my side moved down to my clothed core, applying pressure with his fingers, making me let out a soft moan. He crawls off me and reaches for a condom in his nightstand without breaking the kiss.

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