chaper one. Why

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Author: what's yo guys girls what ever I'm back 😍 and in a new fandom I wanted to make this story cuz no one has my taste in fengqing and can't find a good one so I'm making my own hope you like it😎

Feng xin was sitting on his bed bored as hell he has a ex-girlfriend with a baby with her

Xie lian advised that he doesn't see Jian lan and his baby at all

(oh btw they defeated jun wu and Xie lian is now the empire 😍 cuz he's stronger then everyone 😶 and stuff)

"General nan ying are you there?" Ling wen said in his private communication array

Feng xin put his two fengers on his temple

"Yes I'm here, " feng xin was confirming her

Someone else joined in

"What is it ling wen," there was no guessing that voice it was mu qing

"Ah, general xuan zhen! I need you two to take a mission for his hi- my lord," she gave an awkward cough

"Ling wen don't be ashamed mostly everyone is trying to except that the crown prince of xianle is now the empire of the heavens even the ones who hate him," feng xin was trying to make ling wen feel less ashamed for miss calling the empire

"I wish that was the case for the people who hate him, soon I'll be banished or exiled from the heavens and qi rong will take my place." Ling wen said

"What?! Outrageous that's stupid! It was stupid enough he's in the heavens and now this!, " mu qing didn't like the idea

"Why is he even in the heavens! " mu qing was getting angry one how bad it can be

"Have you seen how qi rong acts now? He's not crazy as he used to be now that he's in 'love'" feng xin added

"He's working real hard for his cousin that's for sure, back to the main topic there's a badly ghost near where shi qingxuan used to be when he was a begger, " ling wen said changing back to the main topic

"Are you sure it's not blackwater fucking with us?" Mu qing jokingly said

"Well not quite but there are ghost trying to kill the beggers and become the next white calamity since jun wu chickened out, there will be blackwater and wind master there to help you"
Ling wen said pulling out a scroll

"Isn't white no-face cooped up on his mountain by his old village with the old mei nianqing? " mu qing asked folding his arms in front of his chest

"Yes but doesn't mean he won't strike again, it seems like black water is already waiting go go sho sho!"
Ling wen kicked them out of the communication array

'Well that was interesting' feng xin thought

ever since jun wu was defeated
Xie lian was chosen to be empire ever since he got ride of his curse shackles and defeated white no-face
Shi qingxuan got close to blackwater after he realised that he does care about him and black water became the new water master and shi qingxuan is back to being the wind master long story short they feel in love a few years letter got engaged
Qi rong changed a shit tone he got back to his normal body got back his kid the way he feel in love was interesting to say the least, story short he made a new pair in a cave he was on a cave/cliff inside the cave lang qianqiu wanted to apologize and that made qi rong mad yelled in the cave the cliff broke and he feel into lang qianqiu arms it really was 'love at first sight' but more yelling now qi rong coops with lang qianqiu and is working hard to become the new civil god and he walks around in his female form when people ask it's cuz his son 'can't have two dads'

I hate you, so why do I love you  (fengqing) smut 😶 and cursing 😍Where stories live. Discover now