chapter 2 answers

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Author: HIII Y'ALL I'M DO HAPPY this story is 13th place on the list and the main cover is on google! Thank you and I'm sorry this has been a while I didn't think that it would get love at all so here is the second chapter!


Mu Qing laid there
'Am I in love or am I just sick' he asked himself

'I'll ask his highn- my Lord and crimson'
He had been laying there for a while so mu Qing got up and walked out

And walked over to Xianle Palace where he saw crimson rain and Xie Lian cuddling and talking

"Hey mu Qing!," Xie Lian said getting off of crimson

"Your highness I need to ask you and crimson something... " mu Qing said

"Well get on with it," Hua Cheng said sitting up

"What did you feel when you fell in love with crimson" mu Qing asked

"Talk to San lang cuz I don't know that feeling I only got a boner that's how I knew," Xie Lian said walking out of the room

"Crimson.." Mu Qing was waiting

"I feel in love first sight so I can't really give you much tips on the matter but it's like every touch is golden when that person touches you," Hua Cheng said crossing his legs and resting his arm on the side of the couch

Was mu Qing feeling that way when feng xin touched him going back he did purposely make feng xin touch him.

"Let me guess the person you like is feng xin," Hua Cheng said smirking

"How! Maybe I don't know," mu Qing was wounding how he knew

"I'm the crimson raid sought flower I control butterflies that can go invisible! I have to plant butterflies on everyone that descends cuz if something happens I have proof of who and what happened so of course I saw you faking falling asleep." Hua Cheng got up walking up to him

Well of course he can do that!

"You like him but you just won't except the fact that you do, makes sence." Hua Cheng said

"Yeah.." Well mu Qing got his answer but was it the actual answer he sad to find out so he descended and headed for black waters lair

On arrival a big dark Navy blue and black Palace was in front of him he walked to the entrance until someone stopped him

"Name sir" a worker said

"Your mom now let me in" mu Qing just wanted it to get over with

"Sorry can't do until I found out your name and where your from"

"See I came out of my moms vagina and that's how I'm here." Mu Qing of course couldn't keep a straight face after that

"Sir name" two bone fish came out

"General xuan zhen." Mu Qing said unhappy

"Welcome in general," the doors open finally and mu Qing could get away from this nerdy looking rat of a worker he sounded like a nerd and took his job serious

Walking to the main Hall very thing looked like a tank


He got to two big doors that opened for him inside was black water and shi qingxuan

"Hi mu Qing! Why are you here?" Shi qingxuan was excited to see him

"Nice joke you told back there I really thought you would make a fake name either way I told him to let you in" black water aka he xuan said getting up and waking over to us

I hate you, so why do I love you  (fengqing) smut 😶 and cursing 😍Where stories live. Discover now