#1 - the blip

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He knew it was a bad idea.
He had a gut feeling.
Why didn't he trust it?

But, he couldn't say no to you. He saw how desperately you wanted to be apart of his world. He saw your determination to be a hero, to be somebody great. Not to mention you were stubborn. No matter what he said or what argument he gave, he'd be fighting a losing battle. Hell, he raised you. He knows how what a stubborn bastard he can be. Since he raised you, he noticed you gained that trait from him. Sure, he was proud of himself, showing you that you should never back down from what you believe in. However, it was a blessing and a curse.

So, he gave in.

Tony sure as hell got an earful of Steve. In fact, it's all he would talk about sometimes. How it was a mistake and he would regret it later. A part of Tony knew he was right, but he saw how much happier you were, to be able to fight side by side by your hero, your dad. Anyone would be lying if they said you weren't a great addition to the team. You were smart, quick, a problem solver, a fighter. Just like he was. In a way, it reassured Tony that you could defend yourself. Plus, he would always be there to protect you if anything went wrong. He proved that time and time again. If you found yourself in a shitty situation, there would be Tony, protecting you with his life.

But he couldn't do that.
Not this time.
It was out of his control.

Tony stayed in the same position where Peter blipped for a while. Staring at his ashes blow in the wind. That's when he turned to you.

You were standing there silently, staring at the same sight, Peter fading away slowly. Your eyes were filled with tears, mourning your best friend.

That's when he saw you start to fade too...
but you didn't notice. Piece by piece, you were fading away, and that's when Tony started panicking.

"No, no, no... Please no.
I already lost one.
Please, please not her.
Not her too.
God, if there is one, please not her."
Tony thought.

You could tell there was something different about Tony's expression. This wasn't about it Peter.

"D...Dad?" You say.
"Am I leaving too?" Your voice breaks.

"No." Tony was quick to say, "No... you're- you're fine sweetheart." Tony reaches towards you, holding you in his arms.

"I'm okay. I'm okay... right dad?" You try convincing yourself.

"You're okay. More than okay." Tony manages to say, although he wants to break down. Scream at the top of his lungs to the world. Curse the world for taking his sweet girl away.

Your body is getting lighter by the second.


"Shh.. It's okay... It's okay. I'm here. You're okay." Tony cuts you off. He can't hold back his tears. "It's okay honey." He says through sniffles.

"I'm okay..." You whisper.

Then, he feels you disappear.

Your final words hit him like a truck. That's the thing that haunts him for months... No, YEARS. His baby girl was gone, and there was nothing he could do about it. God. He missed you. He missed you coming into the garage and pestering him. He missed tinkering with you. He missed binge watching shows late at night with you. He even missed bickering with you. It was like fighting with a mini version of himself.

He'll never forget the anger he felt.
Especially when he told Steve.

After nights of staring into the void and wondering if every day he lived was his last, he finally made it back to Earth.

"Couldn't stop him." Tony says.
"Me neither." Cap replies.
"I..." Tony starts, his heart aching even thinking about it, "I lost the kids."

Cap stays silent for a few seconds, realizing Tony lost not only one kid, but two in the same day.

"Do you regret it?"

Tony slowly looks at Steve, wondering if he heard him correctly.

"What...?" Tony asks, wondering if he heard him right.

"Do you regret it?" Steve says, this time more sternly than the last.

Tony grits his teeth.
"How dare you."

Tony dismisses himself.
Oh, the rage he felt.

But not at Steve.


Not at all.

The rage he felt at himself.

It was his fault.
He couldn't blame anybody else and he was fully aware of this.

He doesn't care what lengths he has to go to.

He was going to get you back.

Both of you.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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