Shower Trouble

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Heeseung was looking forward to taking a shower after a long day of practice. He had been working hard on his vocals and dancing skills, and he felt sweaty and tired. He grabbed his towel and toiletries and headed to the bathroom, hoping that no one else was using it.

He was in luck. The bathroom was empty and clean, with a jet bathtub and a separate shower cubicle. Heeseung smiled and locked the door behind him, turning on the faucet and adjusting the water temperature. He stripped off his clothes and stepped into the shower, feeling the warm water soothe his muscles and wash away his fatigue.

He hummed a tune as he shampooed his hair and lathered his body with soap. He enjoyed the feeling of being alone and relaxed, without any worries or distractions. He closed his eyes and let the water run down his face, thinking about how far he had come since joining ENHYPEN.

He was proud of himself and his members, who had worked hard to debut and make their dreams come true. He was grateful for their friendship and support, and for their fans who loved them unconditionally. He felt happy and fulfilled, knowing that he was doing what he loved.

He opened his eyes and reached for the shower gel, when he heard a knock on the door.

"Hey, Heeseung, are you in there?" It was Jake's voice.

Heeseung frowned. He had hoped to have some privacy, but he guessed that Jake needed to use the bathroom too.

"Yeah, I'm here. What's up?" He replied.

"Can I come in? I need to brush my teeth." Jake said.

Heeseung hesitated. He didn't want to share the bathroom with anyone, especially not Jake, who was known for being loud and playful. He wondered if Jake was planning to prank him or something.

"Can't you wait until I'm done?" He asked.

"No, I can't. I have to go to bed soon. Come on, man, just let me in. I won't bother you." Jake pleaded.

Heeseung sighed. He decided to be nice and let Jake in. After all, they were friends and roommates, and he didn't want to be rude.

"Fine, fine. Just don't make a mess." He said.

He heard Jake cheer and unlock the door with a spare key. He quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist, feeling self-conscious.

Jake entered the bathroom with a toothbrush and toothpaste in his hand. He saw Heeseung standing in the shower cubicle, dripping wet and covered with a towel. He grinned and winked at him.

"Hey there, handsome. You look good today." He teased.

Heeseung rolled his eyes and tried to ignore him. He turned off the faucet and reached for another towel to dry himself.

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