Secret Lovers

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Heeseung and Jake decided to tell the truth about the photo to their fans and the other members. They explained that it was just a misunderstanding, and that they were not dating. They apologized for causing any confusion or trouble, and asked for their understanding and forgiveness.

Their fans and the other members accepted their apology and reassured them that they still loved them. They said that they respected their privacy and choices, and that they supported them no matter what. They said that they were proud of them for being honest and brave, and that they hoped that they would be happy.

Heeseung and Jake felt relieved and grateful for their fans' and the other members' reactions. They felt that they had done the right thing by telling the truth, even if it was hard. They felt that they had cleared up any misunderstandings or rumors, even if it was embarrassing.

They also decided to talk about their feelings for each other. They confessed that they felt something more than friendship for each other, something that they didn't understand or know how to handle. They admitted that they were scared and confused by these feelings, but also curious and hopeful.

They agreed to explore these feelings together, slowly and carefully. They agreed to respect each other's boundaries and pace, without rushing or forcing anything. They agreed to communicate with each other honestly and openly, without hiding or lying anything.

They agreed to give themselves a chance to be more than friends.

They started to date secretly, keeping it a secret from everyone except Sunoo, who had helped them with the photo. They started to spend more time together, doing things that couples do. They started to hold hands, hug, kiss, cuddle, compliment each other.

They started to fall in love.

They were happy and excited about their new relationship, but they also faced some difficulties. They had to hide it from the public eye, fearing the backlash or consequences if they were exposed. They had to deal with jealousy or insecurity, worrying about losing each other or hurting each other. They had to face their doubts or fears, wondering if they were doing the right thing or if they would last.

They relied on each other for comfort and support, finding strength and happiness in their love. They also relied on Sunoo for advice and help, feeling his friendship and care in their hearts.

They were living a secret romance, but they also faced many challenges. They were young and naive, but they also learned many lessons. They were ordinary boys, but they also became extraordinary lovers.

They were Heeseung & Jake.

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