Chapter 2

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It had been weeks since I had agreed to the bite, the bite that changed my life.  Though I couldn't have imagined how much that bite would change my life.

My skinny, boney figure, had toned up into tight muscle.  I could heal faster than humanly possible.  I felt more powerful than ever... except when I came to my dad.  I couldn't help that instinctual feeling of flinching and fleeing at his anger that had been drilled into me since I was five.  At least I don't have to worry about covering the bruises anymore with my werewolf healing....

I made my way into my first class of the day, history.  I couldn't help the way my heart skipped a beat when I saw Jackson sitting toward the back of the class.  His arms were crossed, his angular face directed toward the window at the gloomy, rainy weather.  His head began to turn toward me and I quickly dropped my gaze, scurrying to my seat in the second roe.

I can't think about him anymore.  I'm the one that broke it off.  I'm the one that told him I didn't want to see him anymore.  I'm the one that hated the taste of the words on my tongue when I spit them out.  I'm the one who didn't mean a single word.  I'm the one who made a mistake.

I still remember the first time we ever kissed.  We were thirteen...


I sat on the carpet in Jackson's room, staring up at the band posters on his wall.  Eventually my gaze drifted over to Jackson's muscular figure.  He was sprawled on his bed playing on his phone and I couldn't help but admire him. 

He was already pretty tall.  He had muscles that stood out from underneath his shirt.  He was rich, and his hair seemed to fall perfectly no matter what he did.  He was everything I wanted, and yet I couldn't say it.

A guy like Jackson could never want a guy like me.  Sure we've held hands before, and we've told each other that we love each other... but I know for him it's more of a brotherly way.  I mean, how could he ever be 'in love' with a guy like me?

I'm scrawny and you can practically see my ribs through my shirt.  My hair is always a mess.  I always have cuts and bruises all over from home.  And I'm not rich in any way.

"Isaac?  Are you all right?" Jackson asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.  I hadn't even realized that I had zoned out, my gaze on the floor.  I looked up into his blue green eyes.

"I, uh, I'm f-fine" I stuttered, looking away from his face.  It was quiet for a few minutes, our breathing the only sound in the room, before Jackson spoke up.

"Here, come sit up here with me" he offered as he pushed himself up into a sitting position and leaned back against his pillows.  He patted the spot beside him, before setting his phone on the table beside his bed and shooting me a big smile.  I slowly stood up and walked over, sitting myself beside him, but he was quick to pull me close to his side.  I hissed as his fingers brushed on bruise on my chest, and he hesitated.

"Your dad" he stated as more of a statement than a question.  He kind of knew the story of my everyday life, that's why he was always inviting me over, helping me get out of the house.  I just nodded, biting my lip in nervousness.  I was startled when he pushed himself onto his knees, and positioned himself, facing me from the front.

"Can I see?" he questioned softly.  I hesitated.  This was new territory for me, showing other people my bruises.  Especially since I knew what else he'd see.  I slowly nodded my permission and he slowly guided my shirt up my chest and sucked in a concerned breath.  I closed my eyes in embarrassment, already knowing what he was gasping at.  My chest was covered in nasty scars from beatings past and there was a giant softball sized bruise that was recently added to the gallery of painful art.

I took in a shaky breath as I felt his slim fingers tugging gently on my chin.  I didn't want to look at him, I couldn't face him after letting him see that.

"Isaac.... Isaac, look at me" he begged in a sad voice "please."  I finally let my eyes flutter open to see him looking at me concerned.

"Why haven't you told the police before?  I knew he was hurting you, but you never said it was this bad" Jackson stated in seriousness.

"He's my dad, he doesn't mean to.  He loves me" I stated in hopeless denial.  He shook his head, cupping one of my cheeks in his hand.

"That's not love Isaac, he doesn't love you" he insisted softly "but I do."  I was about to protest when he dipped his lips down to mine.

It was weird.  Every part of my conscious mind told me to push him away.  I'm not supposed to kiss other guys, my dad always talks about how that's wrong.... but then why does this feel so right.  I've had a crush on Jackson for a while, but I've always tried to push it away because of my dad's words.  After an internal debate, I finally kissed him back... and I couldn't help the tears that came with it.

As our lips parted, Jackson slowly wiped my tears with his smooth thumbs, cupping my face in his hands with a worried look.

"Don't tell" I whimpered between sobs "please don't tell."  Jackson quickly pulled me into his chest, and I buried my face in his shirt.

"I won't" he assured me, stroking my hair down and-

A slam of books on the desk next to mine, woke me from my memory.  I looked over to find the person that I didn't want to talk to, but needed so bad.  It was Jackson.

"Wh-what are you d-doing here?" I stuttered in shock that he would even want to talk to me after what I'd done to him.

"Were you not listening to the teacher?" he stated bitterly "we have a project over the next few weeks.... and she paired us as partners."


Hey guys, so there's another chapter.  Thanks so much for reading and I'll try and update again really soon.  I hope you all enjoyed.  ^_^

Also, please let me know what you think of this story so far.  I really want to know if you like it or not.

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