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Jennie pov

I was waiting for taehyung, and he was coming

"Jennie, I have something to tell you," he said

"What is it?" I asked him

"Let's break up," he said. I was shocked, and I couldn't do this. i really loved him

"Tae, don't say that. Tell me it's not real," I said while tears escaped in my eyes

"Sorry, jennie, but  it's real," he said

"Why tae why did you do it to me?" I said

"Jennie, I can't do these, Jennie. I don't think we can do the best, so bye," he said and left me

I felt broke and I was going out of the party and walking on the streets

I was remembering what happened earlier I trusted him I really loved him I just can't imagine why it always happen to me first jungkook now taehyung I have no one left except my family but also I can't spend time with cause they are always  busy and I don't have any friends

My life is full of unhappy. I can't do it. I wish I could die

I was crying like a mess, and I decided to die. I went  near a  bridge and stood on it

I was going to jump, but someone stopped me by holding my wrist

"Stop what the hell are you doing?" a girl said. She looked like she was also a student like me

"Pls let me die. I don't want to live," I said

"First, tell me what happened," she said

"You don't have to die, come down," she said

I came down, and we sat on a bench

"Tell me what happened," she asked me

"I used to love a boy named jungkook and we are living an happy life with him but an accident that make my life an hell after his death I was so depressed after some years I met person taehyung we are really good great but I don't want happened he broke with me and I don't know what to do " I was saying her and crying like a mess

"Look, you don't have to cry. You have to move on from him. Look, I will be your friend, and my name was Rose," she said

After some time, she dropped me in my house and left

Author:I hope you all liked this story and tell your opinion in the comments


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