Chapter II

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I apologize for all the short chapters. But, I promise that they will begin to be more lengthy. :) It may not seem like it, but I am infusing the plot into my story. Bear with me, please.

"There." The doctor showed me a kind smile as she took a step back and inspected me. She had wrapped bandages around my torso to flatten my chest; an attempt to make me look more like a male. Luckily, my hair was already really short so it brought out my boy-ish facial features.

"Thank you, Dr. Tancredi." I gave a small nod as I pulled on my white long-sleeved shirt, then the blue overshirt. When I glanced down, I noticed the reduction in my chest.

Let's hope this works.

"I dont like the thought of you being out there with all of those men." She sounded conflicted. I watched as she wrote something down on her clipboard. "Scofield…" She glanced up at me, her eyes suspicious. "Are you related to a Michael Scofield?"

"Yes." I adjusted the sleeves of the shirt and bit my bottom lip. "He's my older brother." Her eyes widened, and she placed her clipboard down on her desk.

"Are you aware that he's here at this prison, too?"

My eyes narrowed as my gaze drifted to the tiled floor; my anger from earlier reappeared, and I gripped the seat.

"Yes, I am."

The room was silent for a moment, until Sara stood from her seat and walked across the room.

"Let's get your insulin shot done."

She gathered the needed supplies and quickly gave me the dose. I applied pressure to the area for about a minute, keeping the small puncture hole sealed.

"I'm going to tell Pope about your relationship with Michael, and see if he can do anything to help."


"Hey, fishes!"

My head jerked towards my cell door, where I saw a group of new prisoners being led into the block. They all kept in line, following the guard. That was until one of the prisoners suddenly shanked another prisoner in the side, then fled. My eyes widened in fear and I unconsciously leaned closer to the door to get a better view. The assaulted man was writhing on the cement floor, holding his side. Blood seeped through his clothes and onto the floor as the officers around him tried contacting the others, and keeping the other inmates at bay. The injured man suddenly went completely still -- I knew he was dead. Tears brimmed my eyes and I held back the intense urge to vomit. Rather quickly, I scooted back on my bunk until my back was pressed against the wall, then I hugged my knees to my chest.

"Michael…" The tears streamed down my cheeks as I whispered my brothers name. He and I were very alike; we both werent used to violence. I knew that if I was having a rough time taking all of this in, Michael wasnt too far behind.


"C'mon, Scofield." The bars of my cell door were hit twice, then they opened. The officer standing there didnt look too pleased. "Shower time." He led me out of my cell, then took me to the shower room in an unused cell block.

"Dr. Says you're to use this shower, cause of your 'condition'." He eyed me suspisciously before making his way out of the room, where he would wait. "Ten minutes!"

After my quick yet refreshing shower, I gathered my few things and left the room. The officer glanced me over.

"Infirmary, now." Rather roughly, he grabbed my arm and led me to the said place.

After my usual insulin dose and the fixing of bandages, I was sent on my way. The officer, who was known as "Boss", led me down to the yard.
"Don't cause any trouble. We wont baby you." He warned in a dangerously low voice, which actually made goosebumps appear on my arms. Not what he said, just how he said it.

"Yeah… No problem, Boss." I quickly averted my gaze, scoping out the expansive field before me. Everybody seemed to have their own 'posse' of sorts. Those at the weights, or on the bleachers, or playing basketball. However, one single person caught my eye. He was crouched down next to what appeared to be a sewer grate, and he was peering inside. Just as quickly, he stood up and casually shoved his hands in his pockets as he looked around. Within a split moment, our gazes had met and his face went pale.

Guess someone wasn't expecting me.

My legs carried me forwards, gradually closing the space between us.

"Alex..?" His expression was skeptical for a moment before it softened, though his eyes held an immense amount of worry.

"Why are you here? This is-"

"I know. During court, they mistook me for a male. I was sent here, but as soon as I found out it was an all-male prison I freaked out on the warden. As of right now, he's putting through a transfer for me -- but he said it'll take a while."

Michael let out a frustrated sigh and closed his eyes for a moment.

"It's not safe for you here. If people find out…" His eyes opened and they stared into mine. I understood what he meant; truthfully, it made me scared as hell. Horrible things could happen if they were to find out my gender.

I could be raped…

"I won't let anyone touch you." He nearly growled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2015 ⏰

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