Chapter 17: #FREETRIPLET

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Klue Gabriel, a news reporter! "WELCOME TO WAKOO WACU NEWS! He's here peeling the hidden details within this city's invasion. The government blocking every entrance into Triplet. If you're tuned in often then you know my capabilities, and those who don't know then get ready to find out! Reach for the moon!!"

Wakoo Wacu News is a polarized and infamous social media news outlet. Young adults and teens in Waku popularized this account for entertainment. Their obnoxious behavior, lack of privacy, including nonchalant safety policies for their workers. Sending reporters into perimeters containing a military grade threat for content causes them to fight countless lawsuits. They keep the channel running and send more reporters to military threat zones.

Wacu's unsupernatural military branches surround each exit of the city. Marking Triplet city as a C-ranked danger zone, so people oblivious to the dangers hidden inside the city expect it to be handled easily. The military has been trying to offer negotiations or offer demands. B.O.O.G refuses to comply with the first few demands, but now they get no responses from B.O.O.G. Scoping out the perimeter, covering exits, to eventually sneak soldiers into the city.

Teams of soldiers enter Triplet to achieve obtaining more information and to end this assault. Every attempt is left unresponsive.

Each Psyche in Triplet serve the same purpose, but in different areas. Causing mayhem until the JD soldiers arrive. Making this assault seem random and easy to handle for the government like how it's been for years. Little do they know, B.O.O.G have found their strongest ally in Vacants.

Located in North Triplet by the interstate, Puppet Psyche terrorizes wealthy areas. Triplet's police force in these areas struggle against it. Forcing them to flee, police labeled Puppet Psyche's attacks as a ghost puppeteer.

Puppet Psyche's ability is mannequin. Mannequin controls five unconscious of deceased bodies at a time. Collecting these bodies from past missions in tests the Vacants put him on. Brown chains attach from the Puppet's four arms to each body. Mannequin multiplies the body's original capabilities by two.

B.O.O.G knights and members add fuel to the fire. Whether it's getting robbed or killed, citizens are in fear of them, if not around any Psyche. This gives Puppet more time and less energy for slaying the police.

In Eastern Triplet some citizens united with Triplet's police hoping their efforts would end Orion's terror. Not much means for escaping Eastern Triplet when Orion destroyed the boats at the ports. Surrounded by icy water some people have drowned themselves. Suicide is a great escape to Triplet Citizens.

Water Psyche assigned to guard the south and east coast of Triplet hasn't been anything less of useful to Dara. Water's ability, Hydro, comes with techniques in and out of water. These techniques are fired at subsonic to hypersonic speeds. In water this Psyche's capabilities are unmatched by any known sea creature. Moving at speeds that influence the water around him to sharpen enough, notably cutting through a whale.

Citizens were recording and posting videos of the assault from their perspective, but Dara had ordered the Psyches to destroy each internet tower and power plant in their designated areas. Dara even posted on his social media giving people an estimate of living people in the city each hour. All his posts are trending as the numbers are drastically dropping each hour. 27 hours pass. 4,813 reported people dead from Dara. Triplet had an estimate of 325,825 three days ago.

Dara covered orange smoke throughout a 300-meter radius around Triplet during the first 12 hours. This gas is harmful to elders and the sick, having micro metals enter their respiratory further bringing mucus to clog their lungs. This smoke has been aired out, but Dara had other plans. Dara plays displeasing trumpet sounds around Triplet. Every citizen hears these sounds which cause irritation and uncomfortable responses. The sound echoes past each barrier around the city having the military hear it.

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