23. Dealing with the Devil

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The crew of the Astronave all gathered together, still docked in the re-shattered Shattered Island. "The kind mabu of Shattered Island have mustered together some supplies for us," announced Captain Luci, "and we've managed to get started on a few minor repairs. I'd also like to announce the arrival of Bungo and Bert to our crew," she stated, turning to two mabu anxiously looking around at all of Spirito Souls. While Bungo wore the traditional blue jumper that one would often see a mabu such as himself wearing, Bert had himself a rather fancy red velvet waistcoat and white shirt. The two gave a wave and then scuttled off into the lower decks of the ship.

"Where to next, then?" Chill questioned, an eyebrow raised. Cali and Luci looked at one another and then pulled out a map and laid it across the floor. Chill indulged by stepping on one of the corners to stop it from unravelling.

"As has been for some time," Luci answered, "we'll continue to head for the nearest Sky Train station. Yet, if the need arises, there are still plenty of islands we could stop off at on the way."

"Plus," added Cali, "we've identified a problem. While we have many bases covered with our crew, I've seen firsthand that this threat to Skylands is having direct effect on the spirito souls, who make up the majority of our crew. Bungo and Bert, bless their souls, were the best we could get our hands on here, but maybe we'll be able to pick up more crewmates along the way with, uh, more polish."

"So," asked Stump, sat beside Chill, "what options do we have?" He'd left the ambition of somehow resecuring his leg behind and had left his leg in his quarters. It might take time, he knew, but growing a new leg could be just as rewarding.

"Sunrock Village is situated not far off course," replied Luci, pointing to a mountainous set of islands on the map.

"That dusty old place?" Shroom Boom interrupted, looking slightly disgusted, "No thank you!" Thumpback, sitting nearby in a Bowhead, leaned over.

"I'm not sure we'd find anything useful there, would we?" He asked, scratching his head. Cali put a hand to her chin and thought of her own trip to Sunrock Village and of the Oracle. While she considered speaking out about the Oracle and suggesting they could possibly ask him for help, she recalled that his ambitions seemed only to be in trying to become omniscient to everything that has happened, is happening and ever will happen. If he had succeeded, there was nothing left that the Skylanders could bargain with. Instead, she pointed out another island.

"If we'll find skilled workers anywhere, it'll be the Mystic Mill," she suggested, "It might be a little on the out-of-our-way side of things, but could ultimately help us out a bunch." Stump Smash rolled his eyes.

"If you're going to that wretched place, count me out," he uttered. Luci make a noise of frustration and stood tall.

"We need to be decisive," Luci commanded. "Unless anyone can think of a better plan, I thin-"

"I have a suggestion," Shroom Boom interrupted. Chill's intrigue peaked up.

"This'll be good," she muttered, shaking her head. Shroom Boom hopped down and stood atop the map. For a few moments, he moved as if looking for something. Eventually, he stopped suddenly and pointed down to the map.

"Uh, Shroom," Thumpback replied after a few moments, "there's nothing there." Indeed, it was true; there was a clear absence of land where Shroom's hand was situated. And yet, he just shook his head and smiled.

"Oh, but there is!" Shroom exclaimed, "Trust me; if you need an extra pair of hands, I think I know someone who will be right here." Cali and Chill looked sceptical. Luci examined it.

"How peculiar. You say there's an island right here?" Luci asked Shroom Boom, looking directly towards his eye. Without hesitation, he nodded. "Alas, I think I must go with Cali's suggestion of Mystic Mill. It has much promise." Shroom frowned briefly before nodding and stepping back.

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