Second War of Cybertron: Coming Storms

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Obi-wan stood on the bridge of his ship and he watched as stars went by the cruiser. He sighed, realizing how complicated it was to lift the Autobot ship from the planet's surface, even with the help of the Autobot flyers.

It was very fortunate that Wedge and another Autobot, a red one, with a face plate under his eyes and with an aerial designed armor, were able to find a way to do so. The Jedi master had not needed to use the force to sense how very confident and sure the Autobot was as the pilot and a flyer like the others with Silverbolt and his men.

Obi-wan was still wary about introducing the Autobots to the Chancellor; there are still so much they did not understand about the Autobots, and their technology.

Since leaving the planet, Obi-wan, Anakin, Ahsoka, and the two Clone commanders, learned more about the Decepticons from Optimus, more so on their leader, a terrible tyrant who had actually poisoned their planet's very core, making the planet unable to produce more of the Energon that all Cybertronians needed to survive.

The Jedi master remembered how Anakin had been outraged at this piece of information. Ahsoka was also horrified; she couldn't understand how anyone could just poison the very core of their planet, their home, just to conquer it.

Looking towards the Ark, Obi-wan could sense the hopes and lingering emotions from the very walls as it traveled through via the tractor beams, but he also sense a greater emotion not just from crew but from...the ship?

The maneuver they had the effort of the entire Jedi's entire fleet, but it got the job done. Now they had to come up with a means to enter Hyperspace with a ship the size of the Ark and everyone inside it while not tearing their own ships apart.

Anakin watched from the Captain's chair of the Ark's main bridge. He couldn't believe how advanced the Autobots and their technology were compared to their own. Maybe they could ask the Autobots to help with the war. They could even use the Autobot's technology to assist in making weapons so that the separatists wouldn't dare to try and conquer more of their territory and ruin more lives within the republic.

The door opened and in came Warpath, his armor changed compare to how it looked when the Jedi saw him last.

Springer: Back already?

Warpath: Yup, though it cost me some speeds, but gotta admit their tanks hold more surprises than anything we can think of.

He had scanned one of the Republic's walker tanks, the AT-TE.

Slingshot: (groaned) Please don't tell me we're going to degrade ourselves by scanning their primitive jets too...

Air-Raid: You got a better idea to show them that we are not invaders?

Air-Raid walks over with the others of his team begin looking for a suitable vehicle to scan. Slingshot grumbled incoherently to himself as he followed his commander and teammates to fly to the cruiser that Obi-wan had for the Autobots.

Anakin smiled that the Autobots were going along with proving their willingness to show themselves to the people of the Republic. It was, however, upset for him to see how they were willing to sacrifice their more advanced vehicle and weapons to do it.

When Kup had woke up, he was shocked to find that Prime had already found an alien race made an alliance so quickly while in this strange galaxy.

 However, after Springer had explained it to the captain of what happened, Kup had no choice but to agree (even with the approval of there supreme commander) to have their ship pulled along by the Republic cruisers.

Kup did silently admit he had never seen anyone let alone a small organic creature, possessing such powers, not even in his long life and military service. He wondered if these Jedi and their connection to The Force might be able to help them with their primary mission before it became too late.

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