Alliances being forged

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After some time. A few days after the battle of Coruscant, for the Republic and the Autobots to reorganize themselves to each other, Optimus used a stylist like device to sign the treaty between the Autobots and the Galactic Republic. The treaty was known as

"The Galactic Autobot Agreement Act", stated that the Autobots would assist the Republic in the Clone Wars especially to counteract the appearance of any Decepticon soldier on the battlefield with the Droid Army, as well as to share with the Senate any information that involved anything Cybertronian or that concerned with the Autobot's mission.

In return, the Republic will assist in discovering Energon deposits on any of the Republic's or on the worlds in their Galaxy. If any were found, the Republic will transport them to the Coruscant for the Autobots to begin processing and storing the Energon.

In addition, they would also destroy all traces of either fallen or damaged Autobot or Decepticon biology and technology (much to the despair of some of the more war-enthralled senators).

S.Palpatine: as Chancellor of the Republic. I welcome you to the Republic.

 He was pleased with their decision to join their government. Optimus gives a small bow, placing his hand onto his chest.

Optimus: Thank you, Chancellor Papatine, we will do our best to help you in ending your war and I am sure that you will do the same in helping us accomplish our mission here in your Galaxy.

Palpatine then raised his hand towards the Autobot Commander while the leader raised a ridge.

Optimus: What are you doing?

Palpatine: you do not seal agreements with a handshake where you are from?

Optimus: We do..but there is a situation.

 Then the great leader's younger troops were beginning to snicker to one another, especially Hot Rod and Bumblebee. Optimus then knelt down to shake hands with the Surpreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic by extending his pointer finger like digit the Chancellor's aged hands clasped around the Autobot's giant fingertip and they began their awkward shake.

The camera droids began taking pictures and recording the event to be stored and broadcast throughout the galaxy. A few of the Autobots were seen standing at attention, giving them the appearance of being professional, even as they clapped with those assembled.

Optimus then moved his hand to shake hands with the small Jedi master who was named Yoda.

Yoda smiled, accepting the handshake, and said, 

Yoda: Thank you, we do, for your decision to help us. To help you find the Allspark, I swear.

Optimus: Thank you, Master Yoda.

Optimus then stood up as the Chancellor looks to the group of Autobots.

S.Palpatine: Would you like to be the voice of your people's faction in the Senate, Commander?

Optimus:...I would be honored, but I once meddled in politicians and..was my gravest mistake; I am a warrior, I belong on the field.

He then turns to the gray and black bot. He noticed his leaders gaze and looks around. The chancellor, and the small Jedi Master had turned to face him as well.

Cerebros: Me? You would like me to be our representative? What about Perceptor, wasn't he a member of the high caste before the war?

Springer: You're the only one qualified, Cerebros.

Cereberos: what about Blurr, didn't he win 500

Blurr: now-hang-on-bucko-i-may-have-won-but-i-wasn't-into-that- political-gobldegook-plus-i-prefer-to-be-on-the-field.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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