Notes & Acknowledgements

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Thank you for reading my short story, Meat Cute!

I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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If you want to know more about Maik and Andrew's steamy activities after work, you can find the full version of the story on Google Books, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and Amazon Kindle—and to support me directly.

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Thanks again for reading!


There's no way I'd get this done if I didn't have people supporting me along the way. Huge thanks to:

Sperm Accountant for beta-reading this story and dissecting it with me;Maria D. Lourdes for being my awesome partner-in-crime;Mittelding for the lovely cover;Tales Creator for inspiring the original 3000-word version of this story;The writers I've met and become friends with since getting involved with fiction;Zorro "Yuca" Envuelto for your initial stamp of approval and the rest of the Lmaoistan Clan for, uh, being yourselves;My husband for putting up with my antics...And you, my reader, for reading this story!

You are all amazing and I love you.

Meat Cute: A Deliciously Juicy Gaysian RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now