12 1 0

Warning!!!  This chapter might be long, so brace yourselves!!!

She got into the kitchen and saw six grown ass adults fighting over some ramen.  Apparently, from what she has just heard, that was the remaining ramen, and they were fighting for who deserves it.

She cleared her thought awkwardly and all the boys froze and faced her. They continued with their intense staring contest until Felix entered the room.

"Guys what the fuck". The boys immediately stopped and sat, looking more presentable that a few seconds ago.

"Guys,  this is my sister Laura.  She'll be staying here for a while", Felix introduced her. The guys just stared at her,  which made her feel kind of self conscious. 

The guys probably noticed because they started introducing themselves. After all that, Felix showed her to her room and told her to freshen up and then join them for dinner.

The room was nice,  you get in and the first thing you see is the bed that is at the wall close to a window. To the left there is a door that led to a bathroom and to the right was a desk. 

Nice room, she thought to herself.


She wore a white t-shirt and a pink tennis skirt.  She pulled her socks and wore them with her white crocks. She left her bedroom and got into the dinning room where the eight men, rather,  boys were eating and talking loudly.
This is going to be one hell of a dinner, she thought as she sat beside Felix.

And one hell of a dinner it was. Everyone talking loudly at the same time.  She began to wonder how come the neighbors haven't filed a noise complaint against them. She had her kimchi and rice and she had to admit, whoever the chef was,  he was good at his work because her taste buds had been blessed.

From the chaotic conversations, she got to find out that most of the guys where in university,  and those who were not had jobs is some good companies.

There was a certain boy who didn't talk much,  his name was Lee know, Minho, or somthing in that line. She saw how he smiled when a friend talked.  Their whole friend group was a total friendship goals.


After dinner,  Felix thought that it would be a good idea to make some house rules,  to which everyone agreed.

"Okay guys, let's all suggest stuff", Felix began.  They thought for a while, and Felix came up with the first one.

"No skirts"

"What you mean no skirt? I'm girl Felix,  ofcourse I wear skirt", Laura said and folded her arms around her chest.   What kind of stupid rules are these?

"Don't get me wrong, but half of these guys have a skirt kink. I can't live in peace knowing that you'll be wearing a skirt around them", Felix said, folding his arms around his chest.

The rule seems fair,  I mean she isn't want to get laid anytime soon,  and also the fact that these are her brother's friends.  Don't get me wrong, their is nothing wrong with her brother or his friends,  but bro code man.

"Okay,  I accept", she said with a defeated sigh.

"She still goes to school right?  How about a curfew?", Changbin suggested. All heads nodded and faced Felix.  He did a little nod and told her that the curfew was ten pm.

"Really?  I love Korea", Laura said in excitement.

"That's because school ends at nine pm for last years", Hyunjin said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"No boys",  Felix added. Laura chuckled and grined at him.

"I have a boyfriend Felix,  deal with it", she smirked and watched as he gasped in shock.
He was always so over protective that she never told him of her boyfriend.

"Don't worry,  you'll meet him soon.  He lives in Seoul",  she added.

"He better be good",  he huffed and wrapped his arms around his chest with a pout.

They set more rules until they realized that half the group was falling asleep, so they dismissed the meeting and everyone went to retire.


"Yah,  get your lazy arse up....... Bitch get up", Someone was shaking her. She was getting irritated but didn't want to wake up. Eventually she had to,  because the shaking was too much.

"Wh-what? ", her half awake self said.

"We are going on a tour in town,  don't you want to go?"

Town?  What town?  She knew Sydney like the back of her hand so what was this idiot talking about?  Also,  he sounds a lot like Felix.

"Felix?  Is that you? What are you doing in Sydney? ", she asked as she rubbed her eyes and slowly opening them.

"We are in Seoul dumb ass.  Get up", he said and pushed her to the ground. She grunted and got up,  indeed, she wasn't in Sydney.

" Felix,  you arse. Get out of my room", she groaned and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. She wore a plain dark blue t-shirt,  a tight jeans mini skirt and a white hoodie. She tied her hair into a messy bun, put on her converse shoes and headed to the kitchen.

She poured the cereal into her bowl before adding her milk.
"Thank God you are not a psycho", a voice startled her. She turned around and met Jeongin who had been watching her put her cereal.

"Ummmmm,  thanks? " , she said, or rather asked awkwardly.

"You know, only psychos put their milk before their cereal, can you imagine that? ", he said as he took a seat.

Just then Hyunjin entered the kitchen. He was wearing a white t-shirt and some red shorts. His face was kinda swollen, a sign that he had just woken up, and he had his headphones on,  probably listening to music.  Not knowing what the duo had be talking about,  he poured the milk into his bowl before adding the cereal.

The younger boy looked at him and gasped in shock. Laura on the other hand was having a hard time trying to not laugh.

"H-hyunjin hyung? " the poor boy asked.  He looked as if he might start crying. The said boy ate his breakfast not knowing the chaos he had just created first thing in the morning.




Hey y'all so maybe this chapter wasn't so long. And Laura's Korean isn't good 'cause she's lived most of her life in Australia,  I'm not trying to make fun of her.

What are your thoughts on Jungkook's album? Personaly,  I'm super hyped for it.  And was a world tour mentioned?  Or what the hell is going on?

Anyyyyways,  please vote,



And share.

Stay weird and stan BTS...

I mean StrayKids.

Who is your bias in StrayKids?  My bias is Bangchan and Changbin my bias wrecker are all the rest, especially Jeongin and Seungmin.

Okay bye.

Wrote :14_08_23

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