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Michael helped launch the careers of Wesley Snipes [Bad Video], Weird Al [parody “Eat It”], Sheryl Crow [Bad Tour singer], Alfonso Ribiero [1984 Pepsi commercial] and Wade Robson [Bad Tour, AustraliaBlack or WhiteJam].

Wesley Snipes said that he once spent three hours speaking with Michael “about metaphysics, psychology, ‘how the black man is treated,’” saying, “people don’t know about Mike on the real, Mike had a consciousness that could blow your mind and he could recite things that could blow your mind as well.” 

Michael went skinny dipping with Jane Fonda in 1981. 

Michael has directly intervened in at least two attempted suicides, Janet’s husband James Debarge in the mid 80s who threatened to jump from their roof  , and a fan who was threatening to jump off the roof of a hotel across from him in 1992.  

When Michael heard his friend and burn victim, Dave Dave, had attempted suicide because he felt his life wasn’t worth living, Michael hired him at Neverland to run odd jobs, to ensure he would feel as if his life had meaning.  

A friend of Michael’s in the 90s suspected Michael was having an affair with his wife because Michael would spend so long on the phone talking to her, so he set about taping the phone conversations and his son ended up selling them in 2005.  

Michael wanted to sign Lauryn Hill after seeing her in Sister Act 2, but she was already signed with the Fugees.  

Michael had a library of 10,000 books and one of Michael’s favorites was Jonathan Livingstone Seagull. Michael recommended this book to people like Kobe Bryant, Anthony Jackson, Frank Cascio.  

Michael’s family had a jokey nickname for him, “Doodoohead”, Lisa Marie had her own tongue in cheek take on that, “Turd,” which MJ would sign some of his notes to her as. 

At an after party in 1974 Michael taught David Bowie the Robot.  

One of the only happy memories Michael says he has of his father was of Joe buying the kids donuts to eat because he knew Michael liked them. In the Give In To Me demo Michael sings, “love is a donut.”  

Michael was a notoriously bad driver, Janet said he drove like Ray Charles.

When Michael took off his sunglasses at the 1984 Grammys one fan yelled from the balcony, “Take it all off!”

Some of Michael’s disguises: a fat suit, beard and dark make up, prosthetics, a Sheikh outfit, and covered in bandages. 

Michael would write all over things, like on the back of paintingsclocks, mirrors, jewelery boxestablesfigurines and stick notes all over his walls.

Not realizing he was being taped, Michael can be seen flicking through a Playboy during an interview when he was 12. 

Michael was always visiting the Playboy Mansion in the 80s, when LaToya asked him why he was there so much, he said it was “to see the animals.”

Director of Thriller John Landis didn’t think Michael knew what a Playboy even was, though Michael would go on to tell Ola Ray that he chose her because he’d seen her Playboy photos. Ola had also listed him as her favorite singer during the 1980 shoot. 

Michael once had a giraffe at his home in Encino but the neighbors complained so they had to get rid of it. 

Lisa has said she wouldn’t have married him if the sex hadn’t been good and that he was the one who made the moves with her. 

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