Chapter Twenty Six

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Next day

I lay down on my bed and thought to Harry's proposal, when I first entered to this prison I trusted Harry so much, 'cause he's helping me with my case, but now, every words he speaks are poison stings to my body. I sigh and looked at my clock, 5:46 a.m.

Great, it's early in the morning and all I think about is Harry, I need to continue the plan to eliminate them one by one, but if I take his proposal I can kill Liam with no exception, I now Harry is a clever guy, he's definitely scheming something bad, I didn't realized I was dazing off and fall back to sleep.

________✏ __________✏ _________✏

"Good Morning Angel"

I slowly open my eyes as I heard the most beautiful husky voice in the world, I lazily turn around and saw the most gorgeous man staring back at me, he smiled as I gave him a lazy smile, he cooed and peck my lips, "You're so cute baby" He said as he stared to me deeply, I can feel my blush showing just by Zayn watching me, "You're cuter when blushing" He said biting his lip while caressing my blush cheek with his left thumb.

"You too Zayn, so handsome" I said as I move my right hand slowly and touched his pink lips rubbing it softly then move to his cheek, we rubbed each others cheek and stared each other for so long.

Zayn removes his hand to my cheek as he zips down his jumpsuit leaving his bare chest seen, he holds my hand and move it slowly to his chest were the red lips and wings tattoo, "You know Niall, these tattoos symbolizes to you, these wings were broken and only you can repaired it, without you I'm a bird with a broken wings Niall, that's why I need you, I'am yours and you are mine."

I can feel my cheeks blushing again, never in my life would loved me so much like this, not even my family. He looks at me lovingly, I place my hand to his chest and sighed in content, his warm chest and his beating heart makes me loves him more, 'cause he's here and alive. He cupped my cheek as he stares to me with his warm smile and continue his confession.

"Remember this red lips, this red lips represents to my lips for you Niall, this lips that kissed your lips, the lips that told you my secrets, the lips that smiled to you and the lips that tells you how much I love you"

"I may be weak, helpless and wimpy, but my love for you is strong Niall"

I quickly hug Zayn and buried my head to his neck, I sniffed a little and breathe to his neck, "I love you too so much Zayn, no people can compared your love for me, I don't know what to do If I don't have you Zayn"

Zayn hugged me tightly as he run his hand to my blonde hair softly and hummed a song that I didn't know, "What are you humming Zayn?" I mumbled from his neck.

"I want to sing a song for you Niall, every line of this song represents to you" He said rubbing my back.

"Then sing it for me baby" I said then he looked at me in the face and smiled.

You know I'd fall apart without you
I don't know how you do what you do

'Cause everything that don't make sense about me, Makes sense when I'm with you

Like everything that's green, boy I need you

I giggled when he changed the girl part.

But it's more than one and one makes two

Put aside the math and the logic of it, You gotta know you want it too

Prison Caste (Dark Ziall AU)Where stories live. Discover now