Harrys POV

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Date: March 13, 2014

I sat there in the living room, the Telly on Friends playing in the background as I look through the pictures on my phone. "Hmm," I thought speaking to no one. "I've had the same profile photo for a while now. I'm gonna change it." I said, getting off my laptop and onto my phone. I went into the bedroom that Louis and I shared, plopping down on the bed. I looked through my photos, scrolling past all the one of me and Lou. I stopped on a photo of me in a boot shop not far from this house here in LA. I was surrounded by boots, and wearing an Indian head piece. I smiled, remembering it from a few days ago.

Louis and I was out that day so he could go and get some more Vans since his was ripping at the seams. We passed the boot shop and I asked him if we could go there after he goes and gets his shoes, and he agreed.

We walked into the shop and I found the Indian head piece sitting there. I tried it on and made Louis laugh as he snapped the picture with my phone.
I quickly changed my profile picture, and stayed on for about five minutes to see what others would say. They said that I looked cute, and would make a cute Indian.

Being satisfied, I logged out and began to watch a movie on my phone alone since Lou was out with his mates.

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