Chapter One

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August 22 1994

Catherine's POV

I headed down the stairs with Walter on my shoulder, as I walked down I started hearing the voices of my siblings as well as breakfast being made. I headed into the kitchen and saw that my moms weren't there. "Did I finally wake up before someone for once in my life" I asked making my presence known as I went over to where my older sister Natalie was.

"To be fair mum has been working at the ministry non stop for the past three, four days since the events at the World Cup and mama has been also helping her" Dominic said from where he was making coffee for probably himself and our moms, giving me a smile as I sat next to Natalie setting Walter on my lap.

"Good morning Cat" Josh said giving me a smile. "And good morning Walter" he giggled scratching the white cat's ear. "Oh also look who's back" he told me pointing at the snowy owl who's been gone for a week before going back to making breakfast.

"Aurora hi, where have you been" I said calmly with a bit of excitement. The bird came over to where I was sitting and I scratched her chin a bit.

"Say it the exact same way and add loca at the end and you would have said it the same way as Josh" Natalie whispered chuckling making me giggle as Josh gave us a playful glare.

"Looking what she brought back with her I think the school we're going to is Beauxbatons Academy though we should wait till mum and momma come down before we open them" Dominic said pointing to the four blue letters on the counter.

Forty five minutes later

We were all eating the breakfast Josh made for us and having tea or coffee. We heard people walking in to the kitchen and all looked in the direction to see our moms walking in. "Morning mum morning momma" Dominic said as he put their plates and coffee on the table for them.

"Thank you sweetheart" momma said sitting down as our mum sat and put her head against her hand.

"Mum you can go to your room and eat we won't mind" I told her.

"No darling I'm alright I'll go for a nap later" she told me. "Thank you though" she said grabbing my hand to squeezing it lightly in a affectionate gesture.

"Beauxbatons sent us letters I'm assuming that's where we'll be going for this school year" Dominic said changing the subject grabbing the letters and handing them to me and the twins. I opened mine and read it.

Dear Catherine Forester,
I am pleased to hear that you and
your siblings are coming to
Beauxbatons Academy of Magic,
I expect see you and your siblings on
October 1st. Your school supplies list in the envelope see you soon
Sincerely Madam Maxime

I closed it and grabbed the supply list which consisted of books, papers, quill, ink, caldron and many more stuff. "Besides from a few things it's mainly same stuff we need for Hogwarts just some differences" Natalie said looking at her list handing it to our momma.

"Me and your mum can get whatever you don't have when you guys are at Hogwarts so check the ones you do have and we'll do the rest" Momma told us handing Natalie her list back.

I suddenly turned my head around hearing soft knocks on our door and stood up going over to it and opening it. Our dog Tobias came in happily going over to my moms. "Good morning Tobias" mum said petting him.

"Has he been fed yet" momma asked us and they looked at Josh who nodded his head.

"So Cat have you been talking with Ginny or Lavender at all recently" Mum asked.

"Yes Lavender stayed with the Weasley's since she was staying there for the World Cup" I told her. "They've been asking me how I've been after what happened there. I still haven't told them about me going to a different school for a good amount of the year but I'll tell them it on the way to Hogwarts" I explained.

"That's good don't forget to invite them to our yearly winter ball" she told me. I nodded as if telling her I'll tell them.

I then heard my momma start talking. "How about you four start getting your things together for Hogwarts" she asked us. "And I would like you all to stay in your rooms the Prime Minister is coming here to have a meeting with the Aurors so please be good" she told us.

We nodded and went off upstairs to our rooms bring the cats and Tobias with us. "Why are they having the meeting here mum's not even head of the department" Josh asked us knowing we also have no clue.

"Well it kind of makes sense Josh mum is related to Sirius Black and from what I've heard the Black cousins were basically inseparable" Dominic told him before entering his room and closing the door.

I entered my room and set Walter down before grabbing some clothes and heading into the shower.

After I was finished showering and getting dressed into some grey sweatpants, a brown hoodie, socks and some light green converse. I grabbed my Trunk and started packing my school supplies.

900 Words

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