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A She-cat stood on the edge of a tree branch, eyeing off a small fluffy squirrel over off into the next tree. She crouched down, bunching up her muscles to leap over onto a low-hanging brach.

 "MeadowFall!" Called a white tom, standing at the bottom of the trunk. He was looking up at her, his star-lit fur shining slightly. Meadow'Fall looked back at the squirrel longingly, before leaping down the tree. 

"Yes, DoveWish? I hope you didn't call me down for no reason! I was in the middle of hunting a REALLY juicy squirrel." Said Meadow'Fall, trying to keep the irritation out of her voice.

Dove'Wish ignored her complaint, signalling with his tail for her to follow him. Meadow'Fall trailed along behind him cursiously. They stopped in a clearing with two other cats; Rose'Star and Opal'Frost. The two she-cats looked up as they padded into the clearing.

"Greetings MeadowFall, DoveWish" said Rose'Star, dipping her head in greeting. "I'm afraid we're recieved another prophecy."

Meadow'Fall scoffed. "Let me guess, another cryptic warning? When ISN'T the Clan in danger? It seems like there's always one crisis after another."

All three StarClan cats stared at her. Meadow'Fall coughed awkwardly, trying to break the silence.

"...Anyways" said Opal'Frost "All l can see in the Sky Pool is a horde of cats running into DawnClan camp."

"We should send SnowMouse a sign. Or her apprentice? Even MintStar?" suggested Meadow'Fall. 

Rose'Star shook her head. "It's not their time to know yet."

"So your suggesting that we let DawnClan get destroyed by who-knows-what horde?" Meadow'Fall said, mouth open. "Are you really not going to let them know?"

"Meadow'Fall..." Rose'Star sighed "It is not your place to tell them!"

She stared at Rose'Star.

Meadow'Fall scowled. "If you wont tell them, I will" She muttered, stalking away from the 3 cats. "At least l have the audacity to warn them..." She felt their gaze burning into her fur as she padded away. At least SHE would try to save the clan she loved, unlike those mouse-brains.

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