Chapter 22

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Since Halloween is the best Holiday ever! I gift you an extra chapter this week! The Fabulous Picture is by Chengggg.

{Lucy POV}

 I awoke in complete darkness. Something was covering my eyes. The pain I had felt before was gone but, I knew my wounds weren't healed yet. My body felt numb. Just think Lucy, what happened last? I remember I was last on the train. There was a short woman, a talking cat, and a large man. The woman I recall the man called her Levy. She was telling Terra that she had disobeyed some rules or something. Levy seemed to know about Celestial Wolves and Wolf Slayers. I recall that tall man had pulled Levy away from Terra, I think his name was Gajeel? Either way, he had great instincts. He also seemed to know of Hiroto. That couple seemed to know more than most people did. Hiroto kept a low profile and had connections in high places. That's how he was able to run rampant for so, long. I remember Terra started to badmouth Fairy Tail and Laxus. I tried to attack Terra but, I had forgotten about the chains. When I had lunged toward Terra the chains had held me back. In the end, the wounds that Wendy had worked so, hard to heal must have reopened. I was lying on the floor in pain Terra was standing above me watching. I hated how Terra stared at me. She had been looking down at me just like Hiroto used to do. Pretending to care but, in reality, they were enjoying my pain. Enjoying the fact that they stood above me. The talking cat and Terra were left to watch me while they searched for help. I recall how Gajeel had stared at me before leaving. I could see it clearly he knew, he fuc**** knew! He knew Terra was lying.

 I attempted to move but, since I was still numb I couldn't tell if I had moved at all. Terra must have used a strong anesthetic. Instead, I'll have to rely on my other senses for now. I sniffed the air and picked up a lot of different scents. Most of them were animal scents but, there were still quite a few different human scents as well. I don't seem to be isolated which may work in my favor. I should be able to escape here easily once my more serious wounds heal. I heard some keys rattle and then a door unlocked. A moment later a metal door opened then closed. It was her what did she want now? I heard her footsteps get closer until she was just inches away from me. I tried to move away from her but, failed. I then heard Terra's familiar voice,

 "Looks like you're awake that's good. This place is way too nice for a monster like you. I wish I could say this wasn't personal but, it is. I don't care if you really are Laxus's so-called beloved little sister. If I was your older brother I would have ditched a monster like you as well. Let's say you are his sister it doesn't change the fact that you're just another criminal. Yes, I know you're just another victim of Hiroto but, that doesn't change what you've done. In fact, you might be just as bad as Hiroto. You're a killer, a monster, bothering more than a murderous beast. Just how many creatures have you killed? Creatures that you played with in that arena. Let's not even mention the human lives that you have taken." I growled at Terra. How dare she! She doesn't know what she's talking about. How could she say that about Laxus? I'm not a monster. I tried to help them. Does she think I wanted to fight them? That I wanted to kill them? What did she expect me to do? Terra scoffed,

"Oh, I get it you thought it was alright to let them live in misery rather than die. You may claim to be one of his victims but, in my book, you are just another one of his accomplices. You liked being his pet. Why else would you have been so, submissive? You have every chance to kill him but, instead, you let him parade you around and treat you like a lap dog. You already had so, much blood on you're teeth why couldn't you just add one more? After all, a beast like you is good for nothing but, killing your fellow monsters. Someone else entered the room,

"Terra, there you are I've been looking for you." I heard Terra move away from me,

"Just visiting it before leaving. What do you think the Magic Council will decide to do with it?" The man chuckled,

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