part one - enemies

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I walk into a familiar room on the first day of my 41? 42? Senior year, the principal's office. "I'm sure you can guess why you're here?" He said with an oversaturation of disappointment, "yes sir, I do.." I responded in pure defeat. He spoke again "ever since King Perdissent, rest his soul, became king, we were stripped of our ability to remove people who failed too many grades'' I felt tears boiling my eyelids as he continued to speak "thanks to you and Cheryl's grades our funding has plummeted!" Cheryl, my enemy, the only person here older than me in this entire building. "Tell me this, Kadie, why do you continue to refuse to drop out?" His disappointment seemed truly immeasurable, I've hidden my reasoning long enough…

"The reason… the real reason… sir, it's because i have a dream. One I refuse to let go of. I want to outlive that whore, Cheryl, she and I have the same ambition… to be the oldest person in the school!" My heart was racing, I could feel the adrenaline rushing through my paper skin. It felt good to finally say it. The principal responded to my heartfelt speech in an inspired tone, almost weeping "i… wow… that was beautiful… stay in the school as long as you need…" I was stunned to hear him say this "thank you, sir" I finally muttered.

After a while I finally exit the principal's office after a long heartfelt conversation about his crushed dream of finding love, squished by his homophobic mother. It’s a rather sad story but at the same time, he isn’t vegan so I don’t care. I saw him eating the flesh of a poor little piggy.

Once i Finally arrive at French class I take a seat at my designated desk. In that moment I noticed it was next to me, Cheryl, that witch is sitting right next to me, all this does is fuel my rage further. Her pasty, clear, and soft skin made me yearn for violence. I wish to see her dirt bed, even the worms would be repealed by the sheer force of her wickedness. Even the rodents would run and the ants would rather asphyxiate then be near her smell. She began to say “excuse me, can I borrow a pencil?” …What? No snarky comment? No insults? something is up and I can smell it. “Absolutely” I managed to regurgitate while handing her a pencil. “Thanks” …she thanked me-

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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