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Two friends, close friends! One was named Kousuke while the other child was Namiko. People at their orphanage in the village would say they were stuck together like glue! They would say the pair were peas in a pod! Always had each other's back and always hung out with the other. The village people loved seeing them playing with each other, always chatting away which created a much brighter atmosphere in the village.

Kousuke was someone who was caring, helping out others, and always made sure Nami was in check. People were amazed by him being bilingual, being able to speak English and Japanese was quite impressive! The boy was considered the sensible one out the two, almost like a parental figure. He's quite a quiet soul but it does not mean he's someone boring! He's sweet and kind, always looking out for others and cares for others like no other! He would teach others, mostly children, on how to speak Japanese. It was never a dull moment with his lessons, he would teach children how to write and read in Japanese. Those who learned from him would always listen to him. He was like a kind teacher to those children.

Namiko was someone total opposites to her close friend! Outgoing, energetic were the words to describe her personality. Some people don't exactly like her for her loud personality but it doesn't matter to her at all. She just loves having fun, chatting, making most of her youth. She thinks her personality can be used to help make others happy. Oh, she loves making people happy with her street performances! Everyone would be mesmerized by her street performances for how smooth she danced, how swift she was with her moves. Not only that, but her music was even more mesmerizing! She could play many instruments that she could get her hands on like guitar, piano, flute, and all kinds of music! She would play lullabies with her guitar to put the younger kids of the orphanage to sleep.

Though the two were opposites, they matched each other so well. Like yin and yang. The two had one thing in common though, which was singing! Everyone loved seeing their performances, singing along with Tamiko playing her guitar with Kousuke singing parts of the song in Japanese. It was truly a sight to see.

While Namiko focused on her street performances, Kousuke, around 14-17, was in a vkei(visual kei) band as the bass guitarist/background vocalist. As the time went by, they realized that their passions could go hand to hand. They hoped to spread their joy and make others happy as well with their passions, maybe even help others pursue their dreams!

And because of that, at age 18, they left the village to go to the city and help others pursue their dreams of being an idol!

Creating YakuKira Productions!!

This is only the beginning. How many people will Kousuke and Namiko help pursue their dreams? How many people get to be the idol of their dreams?

So, will troubling souls accept their help and become an idol?

YAKUKIRA PRODUCTIONS!!Where stories live. Discover now