Chapter 3: Reverse The Crown's Curse

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Many hundreds of years have passed, and Simon has been living as the crazed wizard all this time. The wizard stared out of his triangular doorway from inside a towering, sharp-tipped mountain of ice. The snow pelted the ground in every direction you looked, layer after layer as if it had been snowing and never stopped snowing. An effect of the crown's curse was memory loss, and naturally Simon forgot his own name, instead going by Ice King. He didn't make this name, infact it was others who saw him who called him that. The ice king scratched his grizzly beard, planning his next attack on the candy kingdom (a kingdom of candy which you may enter after leaving his snowy domain). The ice king would usually fly to other kingdoms and kidnap girls he saw, his reason being "I want to choose one to be my daughter". The princesses, rulers of the kingdoms hated him for this, therefore the ice kingdom was cut off from the rest of the land of Ooo and no one except polar bears and penguins lived there. It was a large, lonely kingdom. The most diversity you could get were a few snowy mountains, or a frozen lake or a small burrow underground. The ice king was crazy, but he had forgotten about Marcie. Sure, there was still a little emptiness in his heart, which was why he kidnapped kids (don't worry, he didn't hurt any, just weirded them out) but altogether alot happier than he would've been if he still had his mind. And, with the crown on, he couldn't die of old age. And every time, someone would be sent to rescue the kids. Most of the time it was the banana guards, the joke-of-a-guard force in the candy kingdom but they still got the job done.
Now you might wonder how these strange lands made their way into Ooo, but I'll tell you how.
After Simon fell victim to the crown, the last of the humans were finally gone. Humanity was extinct. The zombie-like mutants eventually starved to death and the world was silent. But like magic, elements began to sprout into this world just as plants do, and they evolved quite quickly till they were humanoid beings, minus the elemental materials. The 4 main elements were candy, fire, slime and ice (the ice king being the ice bearer).
And their minds grew, they created civilians and each built their own kingdom, bringing harmony to this broken world. Because life always finds it's way to push through.
Wherever the ice king went, winter seemed to follow. The ice king had built the isolating ice tower before any of the other elements rose, and a winter blizzard was within a certain radius of it, and none of the elements could stop it. So that's how the ice king got some land to himself. He enjoyed music as a pass-time, finding a drum kit and an axe shaped electric guitar in the dumped-lands when he was freshly cursed. He also had a pet penguin, called Gunter.
Now back to the present, ice king staring out the doorway. Finally he jumped out and flew away, his beard partitioned into two, flapping like a great snowy owl (but not a wise one). He silently landed on the pink grassy floor of the candy kingdom, in the middle of his night. His claws dug into the earth . . .

Meanwhile in another universe:

If you have watched the show adventure time, this universe is the main one of the show that we all know and love. If you didn't watch adventure time, I'll tell you this. It was similar to the other universe but also different. There is an ice king in this world too, and presently he snuck into a private building in wizard city, just hoping to make friends. These risky wizards were doing a ritual of some sort which ice king didn't understand (nor did he care to) and there was an imprisoned powerful being in the middle of the circle of wizards. Behind the steps that the ice king hid, he giggled a little. Then BOOOOM! The powerful being was released. And it robbed all magic from everyone in the room, including the ice king. He lay half unconscious on the floor, now just Simon again. Good old Simon.

Back the previous universe:

The ice king was ready to do some girl-napping when he suddenly he fell unconscious. And woke up a new man. Simon.
Simon eventually got up and blinked around in confusion, adjusting his eyes to his surroundings. A wave of memories came crashing back to him.
"MARCIE-" he choked out, as if these words have been wanting to escape his aching heart for a long time. But then the panic set in.
"Where am I?! What is this? What year is it??!! How did I recover from the crown?" His silky voice returned, but it was cracking in terror and uncertainty. No one was there. The streets were empty. Everyone was asleep. Simon held his knees to his chest, huddled into a pitiful ball on the ground and he closed his eyes...
Beyond his closed eyelids, pages of knowledge rushed to him, as though Simons from other universes were all connected, at a meeting.
This surreal sequence only lasted a moment, but it was enough for him to get all the information he needed. A Simon from another universe had his magic drained from the crown and reverted back to his old form, and that the power of this event caused shockwaves which passed though to other universes. But there was one problem, now with the crown gone which kept him alive all this time, age would finally catch up to him, 1000 years of aging missed out for. This was a certain death sentence unless Simon somehow got the crown re-activated again. Now Simon didn't seem so uncertain anymore, he had a look of determination on his face.
"My studying of artifacts will not have gone to waste. I will not only re-activate the crown, but this time I will re-program it so that it won't pass it's insanity curse onto me."
The ancient man looked up and saw a great candy themed castle ahead of him.
"If I want labs, that is my best shot." And Simon rushed up to the castle. Time was not his friend, he could feel his face beginning to wrinkle up. Banana guards were passed out in sleep infront of the door, Simon Silently pushed his way past them. He twisted through corridors, glided up staircases and almost danced the silent dance of an owl, till eventually he found a grand lab. Most the equipment here was too futuristic for him, but he did what he could, improvising on some parts. After multiple data scans (he was glad that machines were advanced enough to do this, because it sped up the process alot) and found out that the only possible thing he could do was to pass the initial curse onto the first wearer after it was reprogrammed, and not curse any of the wearers after that, while still granting them it's gifts.
After some time, Simon reprogrammed the crown. I cannot tell you how, because none of us understand future technology, but he still did it. By this time, he was in a very bad state, at death's doorstep. Time was slipping every moment. Simon ran as fast as his decaying body could go, to find the nearest being. Above a staircase was a candy lady lying in a royal bed. Princess bubblegum. (but Simon didn't know that.)
Simon clumsily placed down the crown on her sticky head. She opened an eyeball and started to laugh wildly. Terrified, Simon snatched the crown and placed it on his head, his youth returning to him as he fled the horrifying scene, PB becoming a mindless monster. Simon went as far as he could, away from the candy kingdom. At it's boarder was a clear line where a land of snow started. A fresh line, like icing on a cake. Simon could only assume this was the dwelling place of the ice king (he knew that much about the crown's power atleast).
He plopped his butt down onto the soft snow that sunk beneath him and began to thoroughly inspect his features, while looking at the reflection of a nearby frozen lake. The man had fresh, light blue skin again and no beard, clean shaved. He still had the same long unkempt white hair that the ice king had, but he got his lovely thin eyebrows back. He also still hand a long pointy nose, but it was shorter. His pupils were still an icy blue which burned with power, and he still had the same nasty clothes of the ice king (of course, he didn't change). His hands were just regular hands again, no claws. But as he inspected his mouth, it was still lined with sharp jaws.
"Unfortunate" but he gasped when he heard his own voice. It changed. It still had the same silky feeling to it, but it sounded more royal. Softer, more appealing, like the smooth churn of metal. It sounded... magnificent! Maybe this new body would be wonderful, maybe this reprogrammed crown was more extraordinary than he thought. But for now, he was too tired.
"I can test my powers tomorrow" he yawned and dragged himself along to possibly find the ice king's bed. It wasn't the cold that bothered him out here, infact he was completely unphased by it, but the hard ground is what mattered. Sure, there was snow but it melted soon after you lay on it, exposing you to the hard compressed ice underneath.
Trodding through the snow with bare feet and overall just a mess, it wasn't hard to spot the ice king's tower. It was the tallest structure there, and the only one of ice (everything else being snow mountains). Gracefully, he ran along on his toes till he reached it. Unfortunately, he couldn't fly anymore so he had to climb up it (let's just say it was a painfully slippery journey).
When he got in, he processed the interior. It was just a simple ice cave with 1 singular room and a little room for the bathroom. It was so... pathetic. This poor creature must've been living in this terrible state for god knows how long. There were a few instruments in the middle, a cage in the left corner and a bed with a leopard print quilt over it in the right. Next to it, the bathroom door. There was also gym equipment next to the side of the door. It was a door, but it had no door, if you get what I mean. It was just a hole, a doorframe you could say, which offered no privacy or protection.
"This is almost upsetting" came his liquidy-silvery voice, softer than a feathered pillow.
Then, from behind the bed, a little fat penguin came waddling out excitedly.
"WENK!" This penguin was Gunter (but Simon didn't know that). Gunter still recognised his 'daddy' but was even happier to see him like this. For Gunter is actually a highly intelligent alien who was sent down in a penguin form, but neither ice king nor Simon knew this. So, Gunter knew that his 'daddy' used to be a man known as Simon Petrikov. A better man than the ice king. The ice king was more of a father to Gunter than a pet owner, Gunter was still wild but chose to stay with the ice king, obvious favouritism. At first, Gunter hated this form, but he eventually excepted it and grew to love the ice king. So he was happy to see his favourite wizard better than ever.
Simon hugged the penguin back.
"What an unusual suprise" he chuckled. "But little penguin, I really must get to sleep now. The makeover of myself will be a tomorrow problem. And about this place- fixing this up will also be a tomorrow problem" and Simon threw himself at the bed, burying himself under the cover and drifting off to his first normal sleep in a long, long time.

"Wenk" Gunter had slipped in the bed beside him.

[word count discluding extras: 2062]

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