Chapter 5: Fionna And Cake

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Notice: This chapter is based off the episode in which Winter King appears in the animated series Fionna and Cake, but more focused on the winter king.

Long story short, you know the universe mentioned before? The Simon there never becomes winter king and he does a ritual which fails, making 2 ladies (Fionna the human and Cake the cat) come into his universe. Since there aren't supposed to be any crossovers, a wishmaster who has control over universes, Prismo, takes them, and on a quest to bring fionaland back to it's old magical self (it used to be a magic universe since it's in Simon's head, but after he became a normal guy the whole universe turned normal) Simon must get a crown to become the ice king again. So with a universe-swapping remote, Simon, Fionna and Cake end up in winter king's universe.

This takes place around 100 years after Simon is known as the winter king, and by now he's grown an amazing kingdom. Life has been steady, with it's constant ups and downs but nothing new. Until they appear. While winter king is riding some huge fluffy penguins, he spots an old man, a young lady and a cat running away from a beetle-like man. (The beetle dude is a snitch, trying to punnish them.) The winter king freezes him and greets the new travellers, finally something new after so long. While greeting them, he takes a moment to observe them. The young lady is tall and round, fair skinned and pale blonde hair. She has a dark blue bra and ripped shorts. She has some body armour on and sturdy boots. A huge green backpack, and a weird bunny hat over her head, along with goggles.  Her eyes are dark brown. Next to her is a cat- of no specific species. It is a very round cat, much like the lady, and has a mainly white coat with a few blonde colour splodges over her. Her eyes are light blue and her pupils are strange like long ovals. And next to her is a man with light cocoa skin, his dark brown hair curling from the ends and he has a white streak from old age. His face is wrinkly but it's evident that he used to be someone with a face to envy. He has thin, small circular glasses on and has thin eyebrows and wide chestnut eyes. Then the Winter King realises the old man is staring right back, until his eyes go wide.
"You?" he asks. Once the Winter King hears this voice, he instantly recognises who it is. It's been so long since he's seen that friendly face, but he could never truly forget.
"You." Replies the Winter King with a firmness in his voice, but it's one that shows he's interested. "Blue blazes!" And he grins like a fool, it's hard not to.
"You're a Simon!" Replies the old man, unable to say anything else. His voice is raised, and he in turn seems to have that feel of excitement.
"In this world, I'm known as the Winter King" The king bows proudly. He can hardly believe his luck.
After Fionna and Cake explain the quest to find Simon a crown, Winter King tells them he may be able to help them by duplicating his crown. But in reality, this is a lie. He cannot do such thing.
'As long as I can keep Simon here, it's worth the lie' Winter King tries to clear his thoughts as they run wild. He'd hate to lie to himself. But what else can he do? He can't let Simon go. No, this is far too amazing of an opportunity to miss.
Winter King guides the travellers into his throne room, a breathtakingly tall dome in the sky, made of that opal looking ice. The wall and floor glitters in rainbow flashes, all three look around in awe. At the very back is an ice throne. The back of it is extremely tall. As the ice king skates in, the others wobble and try to keep their balance. Fionna and Cake are a shivering mess, so the ice king orders his ice scouts, which are 2 personal guards of his, to get the hot chocolate. Meanwhile Simon has no reaction to the cold. This means he must've been the ice king at some point. Winter king can only marvel at how he regained his senses, but his thoughts go dead in their tracks when Simon asks him how he's so functional even though he has the crown.
This leads the Winter King to spawn up an entire ice piano, as if it were nothing, and then starts to play. He seems very fond of song and dance, as he vaguely presents how he conquers the crown through sheer force of will. He can't tell Simon the truth yet. He doesn't want to scare Simon away, he just came after all..
Eventually the song leads to him showing Simon the wonders of his kingdom, he pulls Simon out and dances with him, spinning him around. Meanwhile, Simon is holding onto Winter King for dear life- absolutely terrified. But the winter king is smiling and trying to show off to Simon. Something that does appear to Simon is the continual hands going near his waist, why is he being so intimate? Meanwhile the winter king is just desperate to touch Simon enough while he still can. Let's just say.. he's pretty touch starved, even though the candy queen is constantly touching him like the freak she is.
Finally, the song is over, the winter king has brought the company back to his throne room and he bows.
Cake and Fionna and clapping and whooping, meanwhile Simon looks like he's about to pass out.
"KISS EACH OTHER!" Yells Cake.
"Don't think it hasn't occured to me" Winter King slips in slyly and then skates away before Simon can process what just happened.
Meanwhile, the Winter king treats his guests to gifts. Fionna gets his magical sword (he planned to take it back before she leaves anyways. That sword is his special one) and cake gets Fionna's phone fully charged. The couple go outside to enjoy their new gifts, leaving Simon and Winter King alone.
"So.." the Winter King tries to start conversation to fill the silence. "How about get a fresh change of clothes?"
Simon looked at his mucky outfit which he had gotten from a scarecrow when he had started his universe-swapping adventures. (His good clothes were left at home.)
"Well, if it isn't too much trouble. I don't mind staying in this outfit, but it's not the most pleasant thing."
"GREAT!" Winter King unintentionally shouted out so loud that the empty hot chocolate mugs vibrated and Simon was startled.
"Oops" he muttered under his breath "But please, do come along this way" here he started to lead Simon through long frosty hallways and behind grandly carved doors until they entered what seemed to be Winter King's clothes storage. It was full of strange and fantastical outfits, but most of them were suits. Simon could only wonder how much these items would cost back in Ooo.
"See anything you like?" The Winter King broke through Simon's thoughts. "This whole room is free at your disposal. Take your time, such delicacies were made to be admired after all" and he looked at Simon in hopes of approval, the way a cat looks at you after leaving a mouse at your doorstep. Simon looked around wide-eyed, never before been met with such riches.
"Are you sure..?" Simon's voice was shaky with uncertainty.
"Why, of course! All the best for a dear Simon! Anyways, after this we can begin the crown duplicating procedure back in my lab."
"Alright" And Simon, wanting to be modest decided to only pick one outfit. He looked around for awhile, and then spotted the perfect one. It was a fine little suit that looked like the one Simon used to own in his younger years, back when he was still with Betty. Betty. Sharp sting.
The Winter King was looking around, lost in thought when Simon softly prodded his shoulder. "I'd like this one please" the suit with hanger and all was in his hand.
"That's all? You really don't want anything else?"
"No, but thank you" Simon forced a smile. He felt really guilty.
After he changed into it, Winter King led him to the lab, which was full of advanced technologies much like the one Princess bubblegum had when she was still sane. Just before they entered it, they had to draw a curtain.
"Thank you again for the new clothes" Simon tried to relieve his guilt.
"Nonsense! You looked ugly." It came out the Winter King's mouth a little too freely. Thankfully, Simon didn't take offense but he wondered why the Winter King cared about the way HE looked.
Finally, they entered the lab. Simon whistled in admiration.
"Like it? It's got all the greatest technologies" then he placed his crown onto a machine.
"This platform here is where the crown should be duplicated for you" He tried to look like he knew what he was doing, but it was really just his good acting and lying skills. While the Winter King was setting up, he tried to start some small talk.
"So, how did events go down in your universe?" Winter king asked without turning around. Simon hesitated.
"Say, shouldn't you tell me first? Since I AM in your land" Simon muttered. To this, the winter king suddenly turned around and stopped what he was doing.
"Oh my snowflakes! I deeply apologise Simon, I should have been more considerate. You're right, you are my guest. Now come along and I'll tell you, I can finnish setting this crown business up later. Let's get comfy, for it's a long and big story- I assure you. But interesting I believe, nevertheless." he said this so seriously, unlike his previous joky demeanour.
Simon agreed to pause what they were doing and Winter King led him out to a nearby room that was a shock to see in a place like the winter kingdom. It had wooden walls and floors, a fireplace although it's a prosthetic flame and a TV (this had been turned in from another universe randomely, and the channels still somehow connect. It is a one-of a kind object in this world). There was a fluffy red rug and a comfy red sofa. There were also a few decorations around which were very christmasy, such as a rocking horse and stockings.
"Welcome, to my comfy room. The name is all you require to know what this place is like. It's my most heavily guarded room (as you can already tell from the passcode gate we passed) and my most secret and private. No one has been here except me, and fortunately for you dear Simon, you are me! Cherish it well friend. If you need any drinks or snacks I'd be glad to help you to some, but make yourself at home. This is the most luxurious room in all the winter kingdom, wood is a scarce material and that telly, oh- it's the only one in this world! Believe it or not, someone from another universe must've dropped it down, along with a remote! It's not got the greatest connection, but hey- connecting from another universe is seemingly impossible. Ah, my apologies for going on about the room before even inviting you to sit down! Here, the sofa is practically begging for you at this point" he tapped down on the sofa indicating Simon to sit. Then they both sat down together, Winter King beamed at Simon.
"Now I must begin this wild tale of my life" his eyebrows drooped a little and his voice became less cheery. "Well, I'll tell you how I found the crown alright. Hopefully you do know that I'm an Artifactologist"
Simon interrupted "Artifactologist? what's that?! I'm an archaeologist" his voice was full of shock, and he had no intention of being rude.
Winter King put his hand to his chin. "I see that you don't know. Well, an Artifactologist is like an archaeologist, but strictly for the real goods- the legends and such. I hope you understand?" he raised his eyebrow. Simon only nodded in response. Winter King was just about to start talking about his trip, when it made him remember Betty. He got flashbacks to that terrible moment as he lost Marcie. Suddenly his face dropped and he looked like he was about to cry, odd for a man who's been well composed all this time. After he didn't continue his story for a long time, Simon ventured to ask "are you going to continue the story?"
The Winter King shuffled a little closer to Simon on the sofa, "I.. don't think I'm ready to right now" he whimpered. Simon looked confused at him, how could this man with a perfect life have anything to upset him? But still, Simon was a good father (good at looking after kids) and understood the call. Stiffly, he hugged Winter king and patted his back. "There, there." He had second hand embarassement seeing this well performed man suddenly breaking down on him.
"Let's just go back to the crown." Winter king rasped in a voice as cold as ice. Simon has never heard him speak this way before.
Eventually, they went back to the lab where the Winter King pretended to fiddle around with buttons again.
Simon peeped in a question out of burning curiousity. "Is there a Betty in this world?"
Winter King turned around sharply at mention of the name. He didn't want to talk about her, so he pretended that he hadn't thought much about her.
"Betty...." his finger was on his chin and he looked up at the ceiling trying to 'remember' the name. "Oh, the dead one!" He burst out in a laughing sort of tone, he was trying to hide his hatred, but this is how it came out instead. "Ya, I haven't thought about her in a long time". He said this hoping to dismiss the subject.
Simon stared shocked. "What? But she was the great love of our lives!"
Now it was the Winter King's turn to look shocked. "That's not how I remember it?"
Then, alarms went off. Winter kingdom citizens began screaming, as a stormy, huge pink cloud came shooting through the sky and burst in through the icy-wall. Ontop was a crazed Princess bubblegum, wild hair, huge googly eyes and razor sharp teeth poking out her mouth.
"I'm smellin' somethin saucy!" Her voice was exadurated and fierce.
Winter King was sick and tired of her constant break-ins. "Begone vile candy witch!" And he strained his hand out at her, but nothing happened. Alarmed, he felt for his head. No crown. "Oh, right, the crown" and he belly slid to try and grab the crown that had dropped off the machine onto the floor. When he almost reached it, the Candy Queen (crazy Princess bubblegum) shot him with candy, trapping him. He tried to reach the crown anyways and strained as though he might, till finally; "gives up." and he lay limply in a pile of candy.
"Princess bubblegum?!" Simon was startled to see the princess he knew as a crazy witch in this world.
"No, it's the Candy queen. Sworn enemy to the winter kingdom, and a terrible nuisance to me personally" Winter King flicked his silky hair in an honoured sort of way, kind of like a damsel in distress.
The queen shot to face Simon.
"I'm seeing double, and I love it!" She screeched and tied both men up, lifting them on her cloud and flying away back to her nasty kingdom.
"Wenk!" Gunter was out spying on the Candy Queen and came back to warn his 'father' but came a moment too late.
"ASSISTANCE!" Winter King screamed out at the top of his lungs, to which his ice scouts and Fionna heard (Fionna was training with them) and watched him being taken away.
The three began to head to the candy kingdom to free the king and the pathetic old man.

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