Meanwhile in the attic 🕊+ 🦉 + 🎃🐖

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Crove slumped himself on the couch while opening a can of diet coca cola and watching crappy ripoff on original horror movies - Friday the 13th, Scream, Texas chainsaw massacre and so on, so forth. He laughed at the senseless screaming from the victims, even if the killer didn't seem threatening at first; to them, it was stupid but hilarious. "Alright Pumpiggy, what is 10 ÷ 2?" Owell asked while holding out a piece of paper with an equation of division written with silver linings of a pencil that Owell had always wrote math questions with; Pumpiggy scratched at their head with curiosity overcoming their pumpkin-innards-brain before they finally guessed, using their fingers and as much logic as they had learnt. "4?" The question was, Owell congratulated Pumpiggy for nearly having the correct answer if they guessed the number forward on it - they both laughed at the nearly-correct answer and tried again with a little more assistance. "Hey Crove, do you wanna play hopscotch with me after me and Owell are done?" Pumpiggy asked as they looked at Crove still watching an episode of the simpsons while finishing the last of his beer -  Owell looked sternly and cleared her throat for Crove to respond to Pumpiggy; Crove groans and turns his head to them in a quick pace. "Alright, fine, whatever." Crove sighed and went back to his episode; after afew more tutoring minutes with Owell, Crove paused the screen on Homer Simpson doing his iconic "D'oh!" And went to hold Pumpiggy's vine hand, Owell told them to come back to the attic around midnight for Pumpiggy's Bedtime - Pumpiggy skipped to where they nearly led Crove to where a mouse dressed as a witch and a robot dressed as Dracula rummaging around a room filled with polyester Halloween decorations and skeleton statues that were supposed to look surreal but due to so much dust, they only looked air brushed. "Why did you bring me here? To just watch others-" Before Crove knew it, he had his beaked squeezed around Pumpiggy's hand to keep him silent as they spoke: "No, I wanna prank 'em!" Pumpiggy exclaimed in a hushed tone to not be noticed right off the bat, Crove half closed their eyes and tried to drag Pumpiggy back to somewhere else but was pulled by the pumpkin-pig mix. "C'mon, it'll be fun! Pleeeeaaaaaaaaaassssssseeeeee? Pretty please? I'll do your chores for a week." Pumpiggy begged and nearly attempted to do so on their knees but was lifted from the old, rotting, crack-filled wooden floorboards so they wouldn't catch a splinter of their knees; Crove groaned and agreed just to shut them up and get it over with. Pumpiggy clapped their hands while hopping like a rabbit and started chatting about ideas for pranks for the Halloween night, "Oh, what if we use some of Owell's magic to scare them off? Maybe with ghosties, beasties and maybe flying pumpkins!" They suggested as they waved their hands left and right at a quickened pace in excitement - "No, I'm not-" Crove stopped, he remembered the deal Pumpiggy made and quickly changed their tone and answer: "I mean- Sure, as long we give His book back. ." Crove went to sneak the owl's magic book away from her sight while he experimented with different magic types, unacknowledging Crove snatching the book away and assisting Pumpiggy's scheme to scare off the group.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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