Gift horse

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Being forbade from harming one person I would've loved to turn into a pathetic pool of viscera. Imagine that. I could only laugh at the thought of a literal murder deity having rules. Apparently, he's preparing for something big— some crown he wants us to nab. Since Orin is second to none other than yours truly, we're meant to keep our knives and hands to ourselves for the time being. I don't trust her one bit.

I slammed my drink on the table a wee bit harder than I intended. I know I shouldn't drink, it just makes me even more agitated than usual, and boy isn't that a feat. That and the combination of these damn lights were sending me over the edge. So many damn bright lights. What's the point of even coming to this place at night if they're going to light it up like a nobody's business?

I felt eyes on me. Intense. I awkwardly whipped my head around in search of the gaze. Intense indeed. Staring back at me were dark, sultry, red eyes that I was sure I'd lose myself in if I stared back for too long. A vampire. Spawn no less.

No thank you.

Whatever this one's up to, it's of a devious nature. As much as I'd like to rip the esophagus from his pretty neck after he tries to lore me back to whatever dungeon he's from, I'm busy. As soon as the street lamps start to dim, my recon mission begins. No time for pretty boys' pitiful games.

Thin, colorless fingers glide across the table. I don't look up.

Here we go.

"I could help, you know." he slumped down into the chair, not something I would've imagined for someone like him. I wondered if I was crazy for thinking even something that minute was him being really good at what he does. Molding himself to his prey.

"What are you talking about," I smiled coyly. It was amusing in a way. You know what, let's see what he's got up his sleeve. I still had a bit of time before I got to work.

He leaned in. "These ears aren't pointy for no reason, darling. I hear everything." He tapped his ear and leaned back.

"Oh yeah? And what did you hear?"

"I hear you're looking for a special someone. No, not just any old hag. You might even say he reminds me of a grand duke."

My ears perked up. I was sure I wasn't loud-mouthed about why I came into town. My eyes narrowed out of instinct. Was he following me?

"Oh, don't look at me like that." He rolled his eyes. "You and that... servant of yours should really think about lowering the volume when you bicker like that."

We held each other's gaze for a bit.

"Alright. How can you help then?" I asked. I'd probably end up owing him my soul for some dumb bit of information like "the grand duke lives in the city," or something.

"I scratch your back...You scratch mine. I need an escort back to the coven. I'm sure you know where it is. I may or may not have pick-pocketed a flaming fist and they or may not be looking for me. I'd really rather not go through having to fight tonight." He paused for a moment and suddenly leaned in again. "They're scared of you. With all the murders going around lately, no one knows who you're going to turn those bloodthirsty bastards on next. Excuse my language."

I thought about it for a second. There does seem to be value here, but I'm more concerned with if there's more to the story. There always is with his kind.

"I'm not trying to swindle you. Well, for today." He spoke as if he read my mind. "In all honesty, I know I could take a couple down with me, but all of them? Probably not. I'm just asking for you to lend your reputation for half an hour. Now, if that sets a precedent that I'm protected by a powerful Bhaal tribe, well. Who am I to turn away a gift horse, right?" He smiled hard at this.

Hmm. He doesn't seem to be lying. Whatever. If he tried to trap me in that castle, I'll just kill him.

"Alright. Deal. Ready?"

"As ready as one can be," he sighed.

Imagine my surprise when I felt a cold needle slip into my neck, followed by cold hands holding one of my shoulders in place.

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