the meet up p2

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(travis's pov)

We are sat on her sofa now, drinks in hand, not far apart. If I'm being honest I can't remember what we were talking about at all. I'm too busy studying the features of her face. She's got the most perfect eyes and smile.

Shes looking at me waiting for my answer to a question I didn't hear as I was so zoned out.

"Earth to Travis" she says before sipping her wine

"Sorry hon" I say back

"What were you thinking about"

"Take a guess"

"Oh I don't know.." she sighs "Football and beer"

"As much as I admire those, there's something much more interesting on my mind"

"And that would be?" she challenges

"Oh you know, just the gorgeous blonde sat next to me"

Her cheeks grow pinker as she looks down at her glass smiling.

"Not so bad yourself Mr kelce”

Before I can say anything she stands up

“Do you want another drink?”

“Sure but this will be my last, I'm driving” I say while she walks into the kitchen.

We chat some more about her career and mine before I say “Id better get going”

She looks sad, disappointed even. She walks me to the door and says goodbye, her voice has gone softer now. I stumble backwards trying to open the door, and when i turn the around our faces are inches away. Before i know it I've leant in for a kiss, but to my suprise shes missing me back. It grown more passionate as my hands find her hair and her wrap around my neck.

“Travis..” she whispers once we've pulled apart
“I think you'd better stay”
“Yeah” I whisper back.

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