Chapter 1 - Ivy

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September 1st 1989

Kings Cross train station was very busy that day, jam packed with people going off to work, or elsewhere. It was so busy that there was hardly any space for someone to stop and think for even a second. The real excitement, however, was not, in fact, in Kings Cross station itself. Well, it was, but in a way, it wasn't.

Here at platform 9 and 3/4, it was filled with young witches and wizards, ready to start the new year at Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry. There were dozens of them. Many were first years, saying goodbye to their parents and going off to Hogwarts for the first time. Many were students who had already been in Hogwarts. Whoever it was, the platform was full.

Our attention now, however, is on one particular 11 year old platinum blonde haired girl. This girl wore a simple, emerald green cardigan, which she was holding to herself tightly, and a pair of faded blue jeans. Her long, silky hair, which was three quarters of the way down her back, was plaited in two. Ivy Malfoy was her name. She was there at the platform with her parents, Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy, and her younger brother, Draco Malfoy. It was going to be her first day at Hogwarts, and she was extremely excited, yet full of nerves at the same time.

"But mother, what if something bad happens? Like for example, what if I don't get sorted into Slytherin? Or I don't make any friends and everyone hates me? What if I miss you too much? Am I allowed to write letters?"

Ivy was pacing back and forth in front of the train, the Hogwarts Express, as she frantically shot question after question at her poor mother. Narcissa simply smiled at her daughter.

"Now now Ivy. Remember our talk. Keep calm. I know you're nervous, but everything will be fine. You won't have to worry about any of that. You're a Malfoy dear. Of course you'll be sorted into Slytherin. It's in your blood. And don't worry about making friends either. Again, you're a Malfoy. And a wonderful girl too. I'm sure plenty of people will be dying to be our friend."

Ivy stopped her pacing and looked at her mother, hope filling her eyes. "Are you sure?"

Narcissa nodded. "Absolutely dear. And yes, of course you're allowed to write to us. Feel free to write as much as you'd like," lowering her voice down to a whisper, she continued. "Not too many though, your father might get a bit fed up of them," she added with a light chuckle.

Ivy laughed at what her mother said, feeling slightly more relaxed, most of her fear and nerves washed out of her now, thanks to her mother's reassurance. She felt a tug on her shirt sleeve, and looked to her side.

"Hey Dray. Your sister's leaving you today. But it's ok, I'll be coming back during holidays. I won't be gone forever little brother, don't worry," she said to her brother with a smile.

Nine year old Draco looked up at her, tears welling up in his eyes. "Don't go sissy. Pwease stay."

Looking at her brother, she couldn't help but almost start to tear up herself. "I'm sorry Draco, but I have to go. Remember, I won't be gone forever, ok? I'll send letters everyday, and mother will read them out to you when she gets them. I promise I'll be back for you brother," she paused to stop herself from crying, then continued. "For now, make sure you take care of yourself, and don't give mother and father a hard time while I'm gone, got it?"

Her brother nodded, wiping the tears from his eyes. Ivy bent her knees slightly and gently but tightly hugged Draco.

The huge train next to them whistled loudly, breaking up the moment. Upon hearing this, Narcissa wiped a single tear from her eye and turned back to her daughter.

"You'll do great Ivy. I just know it. Go out there and make your family proud. And don't forget to enjoy yourself there too."

She hugged her daughter tightly, then Draco joined in too.

"I'm gonna miss you guys," Ivy said when they pulled away from the hug. She then turned to her father, who hadn't said a word since they'd arrived.


"What is the one thing you must never forget?" Lucius said, looking ahead of him at the Hogwarts Express.

"My family heritage. That I'm a Malfoy, descended from a pure blood family, above most other witches and wizard who are half bloods or muggle born. We are important and are to be respected. I may do as I please to those who try to oppose me. Within reason, of course," she said, reciting everything her father had discussed with her repeatedly many times over the past eleven years of her life.

Her father was silent for a while, then finally turned to his daughter. "Well said daughter. Now go, before the train leaves without you. Make me proud."

He leaned down to give his daughter a hug. It was a very short lived hug, but still shocked Ivy. Her father was not the type to give hugs, not even to his own wife. She didn't have much time to dwell on it, however, as the train whistled loudly once again. Ivy said goodbye to her family and picked up all her luggage, making her way to one of the train doors. Before stepping in, she looked at the cage she was holding in her left hand. Inside was her beloved golden masked owl.

"You ready Cissy?" She said to her pet owl. As expected, she got no response from the animal.

"Ok, you got this Ivy. Don't worry." She stole one last look at her family and waved goodbye again. Then, taking a deep breath, she stepped onto the Hogwarts Express. "Here goes nothing..." she said as she entered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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