Chapter 8:

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-  Lauryn's POV-

I was standing by my locker waiting for Marissa to talk to her. Kyle, came up from behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I turned around so I was hugging him. " What's this all about?" I asked Kyle. " I'm just giving a friendly hug. Unless you want it to be more?" He grinned and then winked. I noded my head. Then he pushed me against my locker and pressed his lips onto mine. I kissed him back eagerly. We both pulled away. " I like to ask  early. Before the best girl is taken." He said grinning. " Will you go to the dance with me?" He asked. " Does this answer your question?" I asked before pressing my lips back on his. We pulled away but, He pressed one more kiss on my cheek. " I'm taking that as a yes. Considering how great of a kiss that was" He cheekily said. " What can i say. I'm an amazing kisser". I turned around and saw Marissa run out the back door. She had all her stuff too. I said goodbye to Kyle. I ran to catch up to her. I followed her all the way to the park. I saw her crying on a park bench. I sat next to her and stroked her hair. " What's Wrong" I asked really concerned. " I saw you and Kyle kiss. Then, a deep and dark memory came back" She quivered. She explained everything she had been thinking earlier. " Is it to personal to ask about this memory" I asked Marissa. " No, I'm ready to tell" She sighed before, teling the story.

- Marissa's POV-  * FLASHBACK*

I am heading to the park to see my boyfriend named Tyler. I walked up to the park bench where we always met each other. I waited for a few mniutes before, he finally showed up. He pulled me into a tight hug and kissed my lips. " I love you, Marissa" he said. My heart fluttered and I coudn't believe it. I'm in 7th grade and someone already loves me! " I was wondering if you wanted to come to my place" He asked me. I agreed so, We walked 3 miles to his house. No one was home. I shrugged it off. He led me to his room and I sat on the end of his bed. He pulled me close to him and started kissing me. Then, he went and kissed this special spot on my cheek. I gigled and he pulled us back. " Babe, I wanna be with you forever" he murmed and nuzzled into my neck. " I will always be here for you" I stated. He started playing with my hair. He was acting really strange. He held me tighter. " I need you to prove you are loyal to be" He said. He tried to pull my shirt off but, I slapped him. " That's private stuff" I snapped at him. " Exactly. If your loyal to me you would let me see somewhere that you don't let any boys see. I started crying. " I'm so sorry!" I cried. I ran out of the house to my own.


I felt better and decided to go to the park. I went to my favorite bench and saw Tyler. He ran up to me squeezing me into a hug. " I'm so, sorry" He said to me. " I shouldn't expect you to reveal that. Don't know what I was thinking. I believe your word" He murmured. He looked on the verge of tears. I forgave him since ,he promised never to do it again.I left after a goodbye kiss.


I wanted to see Tyler again so, I went back to the park. I really wanted to see him for some reason. So, I went and found him. I saw him with another girl. I saw them there kissing on our bench! I went up to him and kicked is crouch. He fell in pain. The girl stepped back. " You jerk! How could you! I forgave you! After all we have been through!" I screamed at him. I ran away never looking back.


I realized I was crying. Lauryn took me into a large hug. " OMG, I'm so sorry. I had no idea" She whispered. " What happened to him" She asked ." He moved away a week later. Never seen him since." I quivered. " For now, I think this should be a secret. We should stop talking about it" Lauryn said. I nodded in agreement.

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