Chapter 24:

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One thing you should know about me is I'm pretty amazing at truth or dare. Me and Lauryn own this game!!! We are really harsh so, people Always pick truth when playing with us. " I'm starting!! Lauryn truth or dare?" I asked. Me and Lauryn always target each other since, we can handle each others dares. " Dare" Lauryn mischievously declared. " I dare you to..... I'm gonna go easy for the first round and say.... go to the kitchen and make me some pie" I ordered. I was really hungry ok! She immediately got up and walked to the kitchen. " My turn!" Bailey announced. " Austin, truth or dare?" Bailey asked. " umm..... dare" Austin answered. " I dare you to go in the closet with Marissa for 5 minutes" Bailey said. " is that supposed to sound....." I acknowledged. " No. I just couldn't think of anything else" She answered. Austin reached his hand out and I grabbed it. He pulled me towards the closet downstairs. He opened the door and closed it after I walked in. " Now what? " I asked. " We wait" Austin responded. urghhh, I'm so gonna kill Bailey!!!!! I didn't have a way to tell time either. " I just wanted to say I'm sorry about Savannah" Austin said. " its not your fault" I admitted. " I broke up with her" He explained. " I'm sorry about that but, you didn't have to break up with her because of me" I explained. " I didn't really like her anyways" Austin replied. There was a little bit of silence for a few minutes. Bailey came and opened the closet door. I grabbed my crutches and started walking back to the living room. " Truth or dare Marissa?" Austin asked. " Truth" I declared. " Why didn't you let Josh kiss you at the party?" Austin asked. I froze. I couldn't move and I got a pang to my heart. My throat got dry and I couldn't talk. " Because I didn't have too" I answered. Then I hobbled with my crutches out the door. I sat on the sidewalk outside the house for a few minutes. I felt someone's arm wrap around me. " Hey" Austin said. I just nodded and turned my head. " You can tell us anything" He stated. I decided to stop being weak and to share my story. I walked back to the living room where everyone was in a circle. " I have a confession to make" I announced. Then I told them about Tyler. After I finished, my eyes were watery. No one talked for a while. They all came up to me and wrapped me in a hug. " Thanks! I think I'm going to bed" I announced. I walked upstairs to the bedroom and closed the door. I fell onto the bed and drifted into a deep sleep. Tommorow I go to Italy.

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