Kazuki POV

I woke up and got dressed for the day then I went downstairs to make breakfast an I see Rei on the couch playing his video games
"Rei!" I shouted "were you playing all night?!" I asked furious "I was" rei said responding to my question. I sighed "you have to at least sleep sometimes Rei!" I said to him and he just nodded

A couple minutes later miri comes running down the stairs yelling "morning papa Rei! Morning papa kazuki!" Rei said good morning to her and so did I "whatcha making papa kazuki?" miri asked "I'm making banana and blueberry waffles" I responded to her "yay!" she shouted in joy

After a couple minutes miri came to me again "papa kazuki, I think there's something wrong with papa Rei!" she told me "what do you mean by that kiddo?" I asked confused "hes not answering me and just staring at the tv not doing anything"she explained and I walked over to Rei and smacked the back of his head "ack!" Rei yelped "what'd you do that for kazuki?" he asked "miri said you were zoning out" I responded "that doesn't mean you hit me in the back of the head!" he told me fuming "what would you like me to do! Tap your shoulder and be attacked?!" I asked and moved closer to him our faces now a few inches apart

(A/N the song: "theres just inches in between us. I want you to give in. I want you to give in oOoOoo!)

Rei went red and pushed me away and I was confused for some reason "are you ok Rei?" I asked concerned "y-yea in fine!" he said and I went back to cooking breakfast. "Come sit! Foods ready!" I said and miri came running to the table with Rei not far behind "eat up so you can get ready for school miri" I told her "ok papa kazuki!" she replied and we started eating. After we ate I cleaned up while Rei took miri to school.

"I'm back!" Rei said as he walked inside "ok! Now clean up all your video games!" I told him since him and miri pulled out a couple of them this morning to play before she had to be dropped off "alright" Rei responded and started to clean his game up and I started to do some of the chores "oi kazuki?" I heard Rei ask "yea what's up?" I responded to him "miri asked me if a guy could love a guy while on the way to her school.." he said "what'd you say to answer her?" I asked "I told her they can because love is love no matter what. Then she asked if me and you love each other..." Rei paused "why'd she ask that?" I asked as blush creeped onto my face "I dunno" Rei shrugged and I thought about why she might be asked that.

A couple minutes later I walk into the living room and sat down "hey Rei?" I asked "hm?" Rei asked "do you like guys?" I asked still thinking about the question miri asked him "w-what?" he asked "do you like guys?" I repeated and he sighed "why do you think I've never had a girlfriend my entire life?" he asked me "i-i just thought you didn't want someone to get hurt since your and assassin" I asked and he sighed again "nope. I'm gay." Rei said to me "wow. I did not expect that..." I said "how bout you kazuki?" rei asked me "what?" I responded "do you like guys or girls or both?" he asked and I thought for a moment 'I've always liked girls but then again I'm starting to feel something for Rei so maybe both?' I thought "I think... Both" I said "who made you realize you like guys too?" Rei asked me "I'm not saying!" I said teasing him "oh c'mon. Why not?" he asked "because I don't ask who have crushes on!" I shouted and he sighed "fine. How about I tell you who I like and you tell me who helped you figure out you like both? Deal?" Rei asked me an I thought about it for a moment but eventually gave in "deal" I said "ok on the count of three we will say it at the same time" "ok!" I responded "1" "2" "3!" "I like you" we said at the same time and we both blushes heavily "I didn't think I would turn you gay~" Rei said jokingly and smirked and I blushed more "w-well I didn't think you would like me back..." I responded and looked at Rei who then locked eyes with me.

We both slowly lean in closer,  closing the space between us. My lips on his. He moves his hands to cup my cheeks and I moves mine to his waist. I pushed him down onto the couch with me hovering over him our lips still together. I bit his bottom lip and he happily compiled. "Hmm~" he moaned softly as our tounges danced with each other

Word count: 871
Ty for reading this part there will be more soon

Buddies daddies but rei and kazuki actually get together Where stories live. Discover now