Chapter 9 : It Was A Good Idea

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On my first two days of staying, I was the only guest in the inn. It was pretty quiet. The only time it was busy was when it was dinner time because it was also a restaurant that was open for the public.

After my two-hour nap, I planned on going outside to check out the flowers in the backyard, but it was raining.

So on the mean time, I decided to do some editing from the photoshoot on my first day of my stay  and I did that with a cup of coffee since they have a DIY coffee station in the dining area.

I managed to get a little work done until my tummy felt funny.

Not that the coffee was bad because it tasted great. I had a stomach ache probably because of the difference of brand that was making my system adjusting with the fine quality from all the instant coffee I kept drinking.

So I spent most of my time in the bathroom that time. Luckily, I brought medicine. I learned it from Topher since he traveled a lot because he always he began bringing medicines ever since he had that migrane when he went to Egypt one hot summer and he had no idea where to get Paracetamol.

Afterward, I felt weak, and Ms. Regis was nice enough to make me tea.

What an experience. Right?

Enough about that.

Later in the evening, I was a little better, so I decided to check out the library. It was on the attic.

I went up there and felt like Belle when Beast surprised her with the massive library he had in his castle. However, it was not as grand as Beast's, but I felt just as impressed as Belle. It was cute and cozy that I could stay there all day.

Bookshelves on all sides of the wall except the one that had a bay window if you want to read with a view of the backyard, carpeted floors, two solo couches on corner, a bean bag, and small side table beside each seat for snacks.

The best part, us guests were allowed to be there as long as they wanted.

"You can choose some of the book you want to read and bring it to your room," Barry said to me. "Just as long as you don't bring it home."

"Got it," I said back.

"I'll be downstairs. Set the table. I'll be back to let you know when dinner is ready."

"Okay, thanks."

I began wandering around and just checked one book after another. Eventually, I didn't feel like reading romance, so I explored the other genres like mystery and adventure even if there were hints of love stories.

I picked this one mystery book and chose to sit on the bean bag. I made myself comfy, then started reading. It was a good read.

When dinner time was ready, the place was kind of packed, and I understood why. The food was delicious. I had roast beef and mashed potato. I think I was dancing while enjoying my dinner.

Once I was done, I went straight back to my room and went straight to the bathroom to get a nice warm bubble bath. I remember the feeling of stripping down naked and then getting inside the bathtub.

I just laid there and relaxed myself. I intended to just let the troubles float away, but the thought of Topher came to mind that he would have loved to be in the place like this. We could have our honeymoon in that inn.

I knew that I was there to keep my mind off my deceased fiance, I just could not help it. That was when the thought of that stranger that looked a lot like him made me think again.

It was so annoying. I was supposed to relax and forget my grief over Topher. Instead, he had to pop us in my head.

Ugh... Why can't we control our thoughts and feelings?

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