Chapter 30

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Here she comes again...

I sniffed in the sweet, fruity air trickling from her skin. I could feel her movements, her essence, behind me as she approached. The hair on my arms stood on edge as my flesh prickled at her proximity. Her almond-like scent getting thicker — stronger.

Unwillingly, I sucked her lifeblood in, intoxicating my senses that unraveled my wolf. I blinked hard, regaining my logic.

Standing at the centre of the sparring field, I turned around. My eyes fixed on my hesitant student. Zoey walked with her arms crossed over her chest. The sunrise breeze tugged at her chocolate brown hair that swept up in a neat pony, teasing loose strands to waltz around her delicate face. Her eyes reflected the golden and rose canvass of the dawn.

I breathed in deep as I clenched my hands behind my back to hold me steady. I gulped, taken aback by her beauty that matched the blushing sky.

She breathed in deep as she cautiously approached me. Her cheeks flushed as she stepped close. Her eyes dancing between me and the ground.

Did she pick up my mate scent the way I did?

Does she feel the bond?

I swallowed. If she did, she didn't show it. I didn't know was I to be grateful or dejected. But in the end, I couldn't reveal my connection to her, either.

"You're late," I said as sternly as I could muster.

Her rosy-cheeked face pouted lightly, and a tiny quake shivered in me. "I thought I'm on time."

"You can be tardy with Brett and Zack, but not with me. Got it."

She nodded. "Sure, okay." I watched her fingers graze the strands of her hair behind her ear. She appeared nervous — intimidated by my presence.

Sniffing the air again, I couldn't pick up her heat. My wolf winced inside, jealous of Mike getting a chance before he did. My mouth twitched in envy. But it didn't matter if she was in heat or not. Her mate scent grew stronger day by day. If she was in full-blown heat at the start of mating season, I wouldn't have lasted, and neither would she if I had her my way.

I jerked my head at the tormenting, yet tempting, thought, but refocused why I was here.

"Brett isn't training you the basics first. How to protect yourself as a human," I said, as I trudged back and forth in front of her as a commander instructing his soldier. "I'll teach you skills necessary to protect yourself."

A gentle smile tugged at her lips, driving the warmth that seeped into my bones. I swallowed with a dry throat. But I needed to remain stern. I began the session by outlining the fundamental principles of self-defense.

"The first rule of self-defense is to be aware of your surroundings," I began, my voice firm. I found it difficult to encourage her like I did with my wolves in training. It would show weakness.

She nodded, absorbing my words. Her eyes flickered to me, and she blinked three times. I swear I heard a breath hitch for a moment. Her heart pounding twice as hard as my ears pricked at her thrumming beats. "Yes," she murmured. Her voice was sweet and soothing, like nectar dripping from peaches.

Instantly I glanced away, breaking the connection that must not be discovered. I gestured to the pack grounds and the forest beyond. "Let's start with this area. What do you see?"

Zoey took a moment to scan her environment. Her eyes darted from left to right and behind her. "Well... I see the woods, cabins, the main house, the rocky hills over there, the great lapa."

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