Chapter 5

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Justin's heart pounded in his chest as he heard Cruz's cry of pain echoing through the forest. It cut through the night like a blade, filling the air with a chilling sense of dread. Every fiber of his being screamed at him to go to Cruz, to help his friend in need. With determination etched on his face, Justin sprinted in the direction of the cry, his steps quick and purposeful. The forest around him seemed to close in, the shadows dancing with an eerie malevolence. Justin pushed through the underbrush, his focus solely on reaching Cruz. Each step he took was a testament to his unwavering resolve. The memory of their childhood adventures, the laughter they shared, fueled his determination. He couldn't let the darkness claim another friend. As he ran, Justin's mind raced, contemplating their dire situation. The woods that had once been their playground were now a labyrinth of nightmares. He knew he had to find Cruz, regroup with the others, and confront the ancient evil that had taken hold of their town. After what felt like an eternity of running, Justin emerged into a small clearing. There, he found Cruz, lying on the ground, his face contorted in pain. Justin's heart twisted with anguish at the sight. He rushed to Cruz's side, his hands trembling as he assessed the extent of his friend's injuries.

"Cruz, hang in there," Justin said, his voice laced with concern. "We'll get you out of here. Just stay with me."

Cruz managed a weak smile, his voice strained. "Justin, you need to... stop Cory. He's not himself anymore." Justin's jaw clenched with determination. "I will, Cruz. I promise. But first, let's get you patched up."

With careful hands, Justin tended to Cruz's injuries as best as he could with the limited resources they had. The forest seemed to watch them, its ancient trees bearing witness to their struggle. As he worked, Justin's mind raced, formulating a plan to confront Cory and the darkness that had consumed him.

"We can't let fear dictate our actions," Justin said, his voice firm. "We have to find the others, regroup, and face this together. Our friendship has always been our strength, and it will be what defeats this darkness."

Cruz nodded, his eyes reflecting gratitude and determination. "You're right, Justin. Let's find the others and end this nightmare once and for all."

With Cruz's arm draped over his shoulder, Justin helped his friend to his feet. " Yasmine went that way, I told her to run"

With Cruz leaning on him for support, Justin scanned the area for any signs of Yasmine. The forest, now shrouded in an even thicker darkness, seemed to hold its breath. Justin clenched his fists, his resolve unwavering. "We need to find Yasmine and the others. Together, we stand a better chance against whatever's out here."

"I don't think so Juzzy" Cory said with a haunting smile as he stepped from the shadows. "You need not worry about Yasmine she's no longer apart of our equation" Justin flinched at Cory's lake of empathy.

"Cory is that really you?"

Cory's voice echoed with a sinister confidence as he taunted Justin. "You always thought you knew me, didn't you, Juzzy? But deep down, I was always hiding something, something darker. The darkness has liberated me, shown me the truth of our existence. We're all just pawns in its grand game." He said shaking his head. "No we're more than just pawns, we have free will" Justin took a breath carefully choosing his words. "I've know you were unhappy, I know you hate the town, I know your father hurts you and that you take the blame for your mother leaving but it was not your fault!" Cory's eyes wavered for a moment a shadowy aura forming around him.

"You might think you understand but you could never, don't think I don't see what's happening to our merry band of misfits," Cory laughed the darkness consuming his eyes once more. "We're do I began Cruz was was moving to L.A, Miss good to shoes Save me Yasmine was going to go of to art school, Frank the little bastard already made plans to go work at his uncles..." "and you my supposed best friend You and Amanda dearest were going to go off and spend the rest of your days in bliss," Cory shakily took a breath. "A were does that leave me?" The darkness began to storm. "Alone, I won't be left alone again!" He screamed the forest twisting into something sinster. As Cory's voice echoed through the forest, a sinister aura enveloped him, amplifying his anger and despair. His eyes glowed with an unholy light as he unleashed the depths of the darkness within him. The very air crackled with malevolent energy, and the shadows danced to his tune, contorting into grotesque shapes that seemed to mock the natural order of the world.

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⏰ Última atualização: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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