A Confession

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Joseph had planned to meet Aesop in a match today, as they agreed, and they made it a afternoon match so it would be more convenient for the both of them. Joseph wanted to send the letter to Aesop himself so that he could maybe give his reasoning or say a sweet sentence after sending him the letter or waiting for it to open it in front of him. 

The match was a few hours after lunch, so before Joseph went out of his room, he put the letter in his coat before putting it on and walking off. Joseph hummed all the way down to lunch and looked like he was in a very good mood. All the other hunters felt uneasy with this " New Joseph", but Mary and Michiko just smiled and chuckled. It was his first love, after all. They both beamed from ear to ear in pride, knowing that they raised Joseph and taught him well. They were like both of his mothers, caring for him and supporting him whenever he needed. 

The time had come, and It was time for Joseph to enter the match and confess his love to Aesop. Joseph walked into the matching room and sat on the chair gleefully as he waited for Aesop to come. Of course, Aesop was a man of his word, and showed up whenever they had a secret meeting together. Once Joseph saw Aesop, he decided to change into his "Hangover" costume. After all, it was the costume at Aesop admitted was the most beautiful costume on Joseph. After the changing into the costume, Joseph still had time, so he then did a little visit to Aesop. He slowly walked over, and then picked the card up from the table while also giving a wink at Aesop. 

The other survivors noted this strange behavior from the hunter, which all gave them the heebie jeebies, but they didn't care. All they cared for was to win this match and to get out. Aesop had other plans.  All he wanted to do was to meet with Joseph and just talk to him. 

After a small visit from Joseph, He dissapeared back into the abyss yonder the curtains, and the match started. 

Once Joseph opened his eyes again, he found himself in the same map where he and Aesop met. Going into this map gave Joseph good memories and reminded him of the good old days when he and Aesop shared memories together. After a while of searching, he finally found Aesop decoding a cipher alone, so Joseph took his chance. 

"Just the person I wanted to see!" Joseph exclaimed

Aesop stopped decoding, turned around, and chuckled. 

" You too. Why'd you want to meet me here?" Aesop asked

" I just wanted to give you a very special letter." Joseph admitted

As Joseph pulled the letter out of his coat and carefully handed it to Aesop, Joseph's heart beat faster and faster. He felt like he was going to explode with nervousness. 

"Are you okay, Joseph, you're turning red? do you have a fever?" Aesop asked

"No, I'm fine. Just open the letter" Joseph said while turning away. 

Aesop opened the letter very carefully, and a long silence draped over the two as Aesop read the letter intently. Joseph's heart was still pounding, but after a while it calmed down. Joseph's mind wracked around every scene that could happen right then and there. Aesop could say that he still hated him and dump him, or he could just smack Joseph and make a run for it, or-maybe he would just run away.  

Aesop read the letter over and over many times, and pinched himself to make sure that this was happening and this was real. Joseph actually... likes me? Aesop could feel a lump in his throat. After all this time.. someone finally truly cares for me and loves me. Aesop started to cry, and he could see his hot tears falling onto the snowy ground and melting the snow. 

plip, plip, plip

Joseph just stared at Aesop.

"Aesop, are you ok?" Joseph asked with a shaky voice

Aesop looked up at Joseph iwth watery eyes, and hiccuped

"It's just that, nobody had shown me as much affection before, I always felt like I was weird and unloved, but you made me feel special. I love you too, Joseph, and I always liked you. Even from the beginning, I knew that we would have to be together, at least one day."

Joseph was numb with happiness, and he was happy that Aesop finally felt loved and that Aesop felt happy. Shock and happiness as drawn all across both Joseph and Aesop's face. Joseph could also feel hot tears across his face. These were tears of happiness. Both of them felt like their missing pieces were suddenly filled. They fit together like 2 puzzle pieces, perfectly made for eachother and destined to be joined together. After a while, Joseph broke the silence and asked,

" So, since we love eachother so much, would you like to be my boyfriend?"

Aesop looked up at Joseph and nodded silently, and Joseph bent down to kiss Aesop. Aesop embraced it and they had their first ever kiss in the snow. they kissed for what felt like ages, before pulling back and just staring into eachother's eyes, happy that they were finally at peace. If they died right now, it wouldn't matter, because at least they died happy, knowing that there was still love in the world. 

Joseph and Aesop sat in the snow for a while, and after the last cipher machine was primed, Aesop headed for the door, but before going, Aesop wanted to give Joseph one last hug before the match ended. Both of them bade farewell to eachother as Aesop vanished into the manor. 

After that match, Joseph was giddy with happiness, and during dinner, told Mary and Michiko to (Again) Meet at his room. Once dinner was over, Mary and Michiko went to Joseph's room, excited to hear what went on. Joseph then retold all of the match in such explicit detail that it brang both Michiko and Mary to tears. 

" We're so proud of you, and we will support you no matter what. Congrats on your new boyfriend, Joseph." Michiko said.

On the other hand, Aesop kept to himself, and was silent the entire dinner, but on the inside, he felt the happiest he had in a long time, and under his mask, he was always beaming ear to ear. He couldn't wait to meet Joseph next. He finally had someone to look out for him, and he loved them. That was all Aesop cared about. 


Hi everyone! I hope you really enjoyed this chapter, as I worked on it for a good 2 days planning the wording and everything. This chapter was about 1100 words. Also, THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH FOR GETTING ME IN THE 3RD RANKING IN THE IDENTITYV TAG! I couldn't have made it this far without my loyal readers who read this book all the way through. I'll be making more chapters, but this book will be coming to a close soon. I may or may not do another fanfic, but I have to have a period of research if so. Thank you all for reading!

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