Chapter 2

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The day was warm but Luis felt nothing but a cold heart beating inside his chest. He sat in his car outside his lawyers office, perplexed and heavy-hearted. He spent the last hour sitting in the office waiting to sign his petition for divorce. How did his marriage come to this point? He did everything possible to be a good husband. He loved Laura unconditionally, but she always seemed to be unhappy. Why would his soon to be ex-wife leave unexpectedly without a word? He gripped the steering wheel with one hand and the other on the keys in the ignition, asking God why his marriage would be over after fifteen years.

Luis and Laura were introduced to each other by mutual friends. Max, who attended college with Luis, was dating Karen, Laura's best friend. The girls grew up together in a small town, while Luis and Max had been roommates for a few years. Secretly, Max and Karen invited both to attend a Third Day concert being held in a neighboring city. Luis was more than willing to attend being that they were his favorite Christian band. Karen however, was reluctant. She had no idea who Third Day was and never having been to a Christian concert, she teased about the number of people who would actually attend. Nonetheless, she decided to go and check out this event. Luis and Laura hit it off right from the start. Despite the fact that Laura was not a believer, Luis continued to pursue her. Some days were harder than others. Luis surrendered his life at an early age and was committed to attempt to live as Christ did. Laura knew little of who Christ was. Luis continuously invited Laura to gatherings, church services and bible studies, but she regretfully turned him down every time.

"How 'bout we go watch God's Not Dead tonight?" He asked her.

"A few of us from my bible study group are going." She looked at him with objection.

"Another God movie Luis?"

"Ratings say it's a really good movie." As he tried to convince her.

"No thanks, I'll pass." She continued, "Why don't we go on a quiet dinner date? We haven't done that in a while." Luis thought for a second.

"How 'bout your favorite restaurant?..." She pleaded.

"Okay, let's have a quiet evening. Just you and me." He said as he gave in to her persistence. "And maybe after dinner we can go back to your apartment and watch a movie?"

"I thought you didn't want to watch a movie?"

"I don't want to watch a "God" movie, Luis."

"I'm sure you'd like it Laura, if you'd just give it a chance." Rolling her eyes, she blew him a kiss. "I'll see you later."

As he grew fonder and infatuated with her and after many attempts of trying to include her in his beliefs, he eventually gave up. He began to slowly drift away from serving the Lord. Little by little he distanced himself from church activities. He began missing bible studies and finally stopped attending church altogether. His heart felt empty, but the love he had for Laura became blinding and eventually hardened his love for the things of Christ. He and Laura spent countless hours together. On her twenty-fifth birthday, she lured him into drinking one night while she and her friends celebrated .

"C'mon Luis, don't be a downer. It's my birthday for god's sake." She said as her friends laughed. "Laura, you know I don't drink. And I'm driving home after this."

"Oh god, it's only one shot...just take it." With shot glass in hand, she led his hand to his mouth with hers.

"Uuuugh...That's nasty!"

"Grow up Luis. It's one shot."

By the end of the night, his night included six shots, two mixed drinks and one beer. He was definitely three sheets to the wind and not in a position to drive.

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